Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 12/04/18> It never fails… rain in the forecast for Friday.

in #dailydose6 years ago

This Friday will...

This Friday will make the 12th (and hopefully final) annual inventory for me at this current place of employment. It never seems that we can catch a break when it comes to the weather on inventory day. The normal weather is cold and rainy on inventory day and the forecast is exactly that for this Friday; cold and rainy.

It also makes it...

It also makes it a real pain since there is quite a bunch of inventory that is kept outdoors and not under cover, that means uncomfortable conditions for the unlucky persons who draw the assignment of counting the stuff that is outdoors.

I have pulled...

I have pulled that assignment on more than one occasion and it isn’t fun. One year, not that far back, the temps the night before were in the mid twenties and it rained just before the temperature drop so there was ice on everything that day.

Until Friday...

Until Friday though we have really good weather predicted. So it would make sense that the man in charge look at the forecast and decide to count the yard equipment a day or two early. The chances of that happening are most likely slim to none and the suggestion has been made before and fell on deaf ears in years past.

Some of the...

Some of the equipment back there hasn’t moved in two or three years so the likely hood of anything changing between say Tuesday and Friday is not very high. Plus, even if something did sell or get transferred it could be noted on the count sheet and the adjustment made on the official inventory count sheets.

So needless to say I am not looking forward to work on Friday, not in the least little bit.

It looks like...

It looks like I wasn’t alone on not knowing about being able to make phone calls using discord to do it. I haven’t had the opportunity yet to look into getting it setup yet but it is on my “to do” list. I was also fortunate enough to have that Daily Dose selected as the member boost post of the day so I am very grateful for that, thank you very much #steemitbloggers.

I did notice ...

I did notice on Monday that the app or website I like using called steemnow.com is back up and running smoothly so my thanks to @penguinpablo for getting that back online again.

That has always...

That has always been my favorite site for keeping track of what is going on with my account here on steemit. Aside from the stuff it shows about the account there is a link at the top of the page that takes you to the weekly steem stats reports and I like looking at those periodically and I really haven’t looked since HF20.

Monday's report had...

Monday’s report had the price of steem at $0.34 USD and SBD at $0.81 those numbers I take it are the true numbers that reflect steem on the open market. I still see both steem and sbd right at $0.40 range when I look at the internal market here on steemit. I also noticed that new account creation is very low at 1,307 for last week; that is the lowest number of new accounts created for the last eight weeks. I think it is safe to say that people aren’t flocking here in droves to open new accounts.

So if the 8%...

So if the 8% retention number is correct we will end up with just slightly over one hundred new users out of that 1300 that signed up. I was surprised to see the active number of users on the report listed, I miss type there, it isn’t listed as active users; the correct term is “accounts transacting”.

When you read...

When you read the definition of accounts transacting it means any account that posted, commented, voted, transferred steem or sbd , or powered up or down. The number for last week was at 46,754 accounts. I sure as hell don’t get the feeling that there is 46,000 or people actively doing stuff on here. This place is starting to resemble the old gold mining towns of the 1800’s when the gold stopped readily being extracted from the mines. People hightailed it out of town and never came back; then and the towns ended up being known as ghost towns.

The kicker to me...

The kicker to me was the explanation that said active users are actually more than the 46,000 since that number includes people who are just on here reading things and not transacting. Can they really be serious on that? Is there really folks who come here, spend the time to read and not be signed up on here? If the people keeping the stats supposedly know these “watchers” as I will call them are here then they sure as hell should be able to count them otherwise they shouldn’t even be mentioned.

As for that...

As for that 46.000 number there are plenty of those transactions that take place without any human intervention or help. So I guess we really don’t know the actual number of live bodies pounding the keyboard and clicking the vote buttons but I would believe it is way less than the 46,000. What do you think as far as the numbers go?

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.

Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


That 46.000 number seems pretty unrealistic to me. Sure, it may show activity but not human activity. A lot of people set their account on auto voting and left. I am fine with that, at least their vote does something and is not dead. Good luck on Friday, hopefully, the person in charge will make use of good weather by then.

Yes, everything seems a bit quieter...seeing some familiar faces dropping off, which is sad. Love the community feel. 46,000 seems a bit high to me as well. I hope you have an easy inventory...that is definitely not a fun activity, especially if you have to do it out in winter conditions. I'm sure you're realllllly glad its the last time ;)

Yes, it could be much simpler but they don't use their brains half the time.

I've occasionally shared my Steemit posts on Facebook, and my friends have made enthusiastic comments about them - but not to the extent of actually signing up for an account! Only one friend has done that, but she has only made one post - a comment on one of my posts. So maybe that kind of activity makes up some of the 46,000.
Having said that, Facebook seems to be really in the doldrums these days - with my friends anyway. People just aren't posting on it so much. Which is probably a good thing.

I haven't been on FB since I came here to steemit. Before that for two years I only would go on FB on 9/11 and tell the people to "wake up". I don't even remember my pass word and don't care to even try.

The only reason I ever go onto FB is to post about my mountain adventures - and to read other people's. Though I have just seen an interesting discussion on there about the scam of petrol and diesel pricing, and the scam of electric cars being seen as "clean".

You'd think that the yard count could be done anytime. I mean it only makes sense to do it on a good day... I'm presuming that the fiscal year doesn't begin on the 15th so what difference does it make?

It'd be like farming. Before we had climate controlled cabs on tractors you'd want to be long time on the tractor in good weather. Once we got cabs we'd do other stuff in the good weather and ride the tractor in 'less than optimal' weather...

I recently read that somebody that I follow and count on figured there were about 18,000 live human users on Steemit any given day. I think that 46k is mighty optimistic.

If I were you, I'd almost count on being on the yard count detail Friday. You being a short timer and all. Unless, of course, you get sick on Thursday evening... At our advanced age it is always a good thing to take care of every sniffle. If you watch the commercials on TV it could get really bad... I'm just sayin'

Our fiscal year started Nov.1, so it is for whatever reason they do it in December I don't know. I would think it needed be done at the end of Oct. or first of Nov.
18K sounds more realistic than 46K for sure, do much automated voting taking place for that number of 46K to even be relevant.
They say unless you are in the hospital you better be here so I'll be there tomorrow. Unless, I do end up in the hospital for some reason.
They are loading that sorry ass GHWB on train in Spring, TX. this morning to ship his ass by rail to his final resting place in College Station, TX. Not what I would like for people to know Spring by, we do have a neat Old Town Spring shopping area. That is better to thing of Spring as.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 330 (12/04/18)

Here in Ireland we have a saying. "There is no such thing as bad weather. Only the wrong clothes". Yeah it's mad about this 46,000 active users. Looking at ashers curation league I know most people on there by now and names are becoming more familar. Look into @esteem. I am using that now after trying out a few and I am finding the way they do their ref links is the best by miles. Plus they give you around 60 cent per post which is a nice cushion to get you started. I don't see many more of these apart from busy that do this. You may as well earn more. Dm me on discord if you want to know how to download it on your desktop. Its easy.

Steemit right now reminds me of how it was in the winter of 2017 when Steem touched $.08. Only now it feels more perilous. Back then there were more first-wavers who remembered how amazing 2016 was and I think this is what kept people hanging on until we got out of the slump. There are now only a handful of us left. For the first time in 2.5 years I feel like if we don’t see a drastic change on this platform we will see tumbleweeds blowing down main street shortly.

I am not going anywhere as long as I have the time to write, this week I have been busy at night designing. Have two projects that are on a short time line . Just finished one this morning and the other I have to start now. So my doses are missing and my replies are behind as well. My apologies to everyone on that.
I have seen tumbleweed blowing across the roads in towns, not what I would like to see here. Thanks for the support Eric.

Murphy's Law anything planned outdoors weather will take a tangent, keeps you on your toes!

Doubt there are that many active people in here, most content visited you see familiar faces of people committed to build.


Yes, Murphy and his laws seem to rule when it comes to certain things like things planned for outdoors.
The activity level seems to be at an all time low since I have been on here but I am not going to let that get in my way, I came here for a specific purpose and I am not going to let the lack of numbers change that.
Thanks for stopping by and weighing in, very much appreciated.

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