Do not Forget Aceh Language As A Mother Language Aceh Community

in #story6 years ago (edited)


Acehnese is threatened with extinction At the end of the Acehnese language there is only a name and no one knows the true language of Aceh, do not let this happen for generations to come, for young mothers, introduce your children to aceh language, do not be a forgetful nation.

Language shows the identity of a nation. With the language of communication can occur and the relationship was well established. The language will be extinct if the speaker is no longer willing to use the language.

This is what is happening now in our lives. The reluctance of Acehnese to use the language of Aceh is feared for the loss of this language on the surface of Aceh.

The people of Aceh, especially teenagers today are more likely to use Indonesian rather than their own Aceh language, either because of embarrassment or something, even though they both understand the language of Aceh.


Speaking of language, this is a skill that when used often, we will be more adept at using it. But if this language is rarely used, we will forget one by one from the fragment of the language.

The real evidence that we can see today is that there are many fragments of the Aceh language that we have never heard of again or their use has been replaced by Indonesian.

For example from the many words that began to disappear like the word 'camca' (meaning spoon) now many who immediately say it in Indonesian "spoon" and limo boh also affected by the Indonesian language many who immediately call it with "orange boh". So also with the word 'kakôh' (meaning toilet) and 'geutangen' (meaning bicycle).

And many more aceh languages ​​are almost extinct, very in pity if this happens, because we unconsciously throw away our language, and replace it with the national language.

Other influences include dialect and intonation of the Aceh language. Many Acehnese now use the language of Aceh in low intonation, as the word ureueng (people) intonates more deeply, many say with the word 'ureung' which intonasinya more shallow, the word 'keubeue' (buffalo) too, and so forth.

There are also people who speak the language of Aceh, but the accent is made as if it does not speak the language of Aceh so it sounds like an outsider who can only learn the language of Aceh or tilô term. Pronunciation is not thick again sounded like the original Acehnese.


Aceh is not a community consisting of a single tribe of Aceh alone, but there are about 14 tribes. Each of these tribes has its own language that has been assimilated into Acehnese so as to produce a new language, such as Jamee's language, which is assimilation between the Minang language and Aceh.

Some non-native Acehnese, such as the Gayo tribe, for example, do not use the Acehnese language to communicate, but use the language they get from their parents or commonly called mother tongue. As a result, in their daily lives they are more dominant in using the language of their tribe rather than using the Acehnese language.

Their children also use the language because some of them are not able to speak the language of Aceh. So, the language taught first in the family is the language of their tribe.

When their children go to school, the next language they learn is Indonesian. This is because the school curriculum requires students to be able to speak Indonesian and Indonesian subjects also exist from elementary to high school level.

As for the Aceh Language is very little touched and sometimes even the lesson of Aceh Language is the subject of local content or the term additional subjects. Usually only found in elementary school, while for the next secondary school Acehnese language lesson no longer exists.

Those from Jamee aneuk tribe must have felt that way. While in school, there was no special lesson about Acehnese, either the pronunciation or the way of writing.

Neither the neighborhood nor the Acehnese speak so that the language of Aceh is very rarely heard or applied in communicating.

Originating from the aneuk jamee tribe has a regional language, namely Jamee (like Minang language) usually use the language in everyday, while the language of Aceh is very rarely heard.

As a result until whenever can not speak the language of Aceh with eloquent, but we are people of Aceh pure. If not in the habit of learning the language of Aceh is very difficult to follow the Acehnese accent.

Over time, it seems that the Acehnese people's interest in using Acehnese languages ​​has diminished. His concern was to keep the Acehnese language also reduced. Even when there are people who speak the Acehnese language with a genuine Aceh accent, or so-called meukeulidoe instead become a laughing stock.

As a result many are ashamed to reveal the authenticity of Acehnya so that emerged Aceh so-invented, the people who can speak the language of Aceh, but his accent has been changed into an Indonesian accent.

More clearly visible to the people in urban areas, even now more use of Indonesian language than the language of Aceh.

Parents are no longer teaching Acehnese language to their children so that Acehnese children feel alien to their own language.

What would this Aceh look like? Over time the language of Aceh is just a name and no one knows how true Aceh is.

We as the people of Aceh should be proud of the language we have because the Aceh language is a unique.

We do live in the country of Indonesia, but have a culture and its own characteristics. Diversity is what makes us look more unique.

It is fitting for us as Acehnese to preserve and preserve the Acehnese language. Do not be ashamed to speak the language of Aceh and we have to maintain its authenticity because if language can not be maintained, the culture contained in it will easily disappear following the flow of user progress.

Hopefully with this paper, we can realize how important to maintain the language because with language we know the identity of a nation.

The authors hope we Acehnese people are not ashamed to use the language of Aceh and who can not speak the language of Aceh to immediately learn.


So keep the mother tongue in order to remain immortal until our children and grandchildren, for the people of Aceh abroad, teach our children the language of Aceh so that our mother tongue stay awake forever.

sweet regards

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