Monday Blues!

in #monday5 years ago

Hello to all the beautiful minds out there!

So we are back with another Monday today. The week has just started and we all would be in a hustle to reach office after a great weekend.

Usually people these days recognize Monday as a dreadful day since after a long, wonderful Sunday, one has to go back to the same routine life. But are Mondays really that dreadful or is it just in our mind?

Monday Blues

Obviously when we are starting out day after a break, it is a little difficult to acclimatize ourselves. But hello! We get this weekend break every week and then have to go back to work every week. So why have we not yet acclimatized to this routine? So what I think is, that Monday Blues is just a state of mind.

Someone spread the word and now all of us are following, irrespective of whether we feel that ways! I remember I never felt that ways when I started working but over a period of time, when someone mentioned about Monday Blues, that is when it came to my mind that yes, Mondays do have some blue shades associated to it.

Let's Stop Cribbing

Now when I think about it, I realize that rather than cribbing about it and failing to give our best on Mondays, why should we not wake up with a new spirit to do better and better each passing Monday? After a relaxing weekend, we should be even more energetic and pepped up to work and deliver to best of our potential. We have enjoyed enough, had good food over the weekends, watched a new released movie and went to shopping. Then there is no point why Monday should be a sad day. We should start our week with a lot of energy and charm so that we are motivated all the time and then soon, we will have a weekend to celebrate.

I personally think that we will enjoy the weekend even more if we have had a good, productive week. We will be more satisfied with our work and hence can enjoy more over the weekends.


So friends, rather than thinking that there is a Monday full of work after weekend, we should think that there is going to be a weekend full of joys after a productive, satisfactory week. So this should be the motivations of our life. So no more cribbing about Monday Blues from now on! Have a great week full of good work!

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