Change The Meaning Contest - Win 50 Steem!

in #contest6 years ago

By bfairbridge on

How many times have you tried to find the perfect image for your post? You probably know it, the struggle to find the one photograph that fits your post well enough to draw attention. Combined with the right heading, it’s millions of Steem just waiting to happen!


Still, “a picture says more than a thousand words”, and how true that is became apparent when I encountered a National Geographic Article today:


It should be relatively clear what the story is about. Insects are dying, and we might suffer the consequences.

But … what if we switch that picture?


That … changes everything.

So, let’s make a contest! Pick a (real) headline, change the picture, completely change the meaning!

The Rules:

  • Make a post that contains the original headline and picture, with a link to the article and a short summary



National Geographic

Summary: Insects are important for us. They do not just pollinate our food, they are generally important for the ecosystem and we even eat some of them directly. Without insects, humanity would probably very quickly die, together with most other animals and plants.

  • Change the picture but keep the headline. Provide a new summary for your changed story. Remember to provide a source for the new picture (I recommend for CC0 pictures).



Summary: Every day, better and better artificial intelligences are being built by skilled computer scientists. There have already been several close calls with an AI that intended to exterminate all humanity – but a bug in the code prevented it from executing it plans. Let’s hope we never experience what an AI will do that isn’t stopped by bugs. (picture by geralt on @suesa

  • Tag it with suesa-ctmc (stands for “suesa – change the meaning contest”, tag position doesn’t matter).
  • Comment Your entry under this post.
  • Deadline is 01/March/2019 23:59 GMT+2
  • Only one entry per person

What you can win:

  1. 50 Steem
  2. 30 Steem
  3. 20 Steem

I will rate the entries based on how much the meaning changed, and how funny it is.
Have fun!

Signature by @atopy


Very good - liked this one a lot!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I might have some ideas 😎

Looking forward to it!

I love a challenge like this to rock my creativity....

Let's see....

I wanted to do something about Bush but changed my mind. Here it is:

It looks very funny this contest. I would like to see what I can do to participate. I'll be thinking to see what happens to me to publish for this contest.

Hallo @suesa!
Eine Frage: Muss es auf englisch sein?

Hm, der Fairness wegen ja. Ich spreche keine anderen Sprachen, dh Deutsche wären die Einzigen mit Zugriff auf Überschriften aus zwei Sprachen-

Hallo Suesa - ist schon lange her, dass wir gechattet haben und viel ist passiert. Bin aber wieder hier und freu mich zu sehen, dass du noch aktiv bist. Der Contest scheint sehr spannend und da werden sich sicher noch einige lustige Beiträge ergeben :-)
Ich resteem den mal. LG Martin

Cool dass du wieder hier bist 😊

Irgendwie hab ich es schon länger vermisst 😊 hat mich erstmal wieder etwas Zeit gekostet zu realisieren, was sich gerade tut und verändert, aber in mancher Hinsicht ganz positiv.

Now yes, this is my entry:

I'm sorry that it took me so long, it's that my internet connection is failing today. I hope you like this publication very much.


You're still on time so all is good :)

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