By train through Europe - 12th August - Vienna

in #travel6 years ago

Around 9, we walked to one of the most hipster breakfast places I’ve ever been in. @lichtcatchtoby ate some vegan tomato spread with olives and stuff on a bread, @reggaemuffin had a cheese-filled omelet, and I had avocado spread on bread with a poached egg and some weird sauce hollandaise. Sounds fancy, but I still think I should have opted for the chocolate pancakes – this time actually called pancakes.



We walked through the sun which was gaining in strength, along the river, catching each and every shadow to avoid me burning up. You know, my skin tone is of the variety “vampire”, even 50+ sunscreen only goes so far.



IMG_20180812_111726.jpgI like how everything is grey, and then there's this one balcony...

A short stop at the local film festival revealed, that Austrians apparently think movies = food, as the place was packed with food stands. I mean, I don’t complain!


2018-08-12 12.40.02.jpgSeems like there are kangaroos in Austria after all

For lunch, we chose to go to a Mexican place, that had an okay chicken burrito and AMAZING churros, brownies, and other desserts.

IMG_20180812_143306.jpgLook at that brownie

Home again, to escape the heat and cool down a bit.

In the early evening, we said goodbye to @lichtcatchtoby and headed for the train station, where our over night train was already awaiting us. We boarded it, excited, as it would bring us to Sibiu, Romania to meet @alexdory.

After showing our tickets (= interrail passes), the guy took them with him, saying “I will give them back to you in Sibiu”. As I am writing this, I am still worried that I won’t see them ever again. But when I’m posting this, the issue will be long resolved.

Aside from noisy neighbors and an AC that tried really really hard to make me sick, the room was alright, and we fell asleep soon.


Wow, das frühstück sieht lecker aus. Das hätte ich jetzt gerne

After yesterday's blog I almost feared the only thing you did in Vienna was tourist clichee stuff... You know, waiting in a line in front of Cafe Sacher and then opting for Kasspazln and Wiener Gröstl.
Glad to see you actually walked the Donaukanal (it's not a river, by the way^^). You should have walked a little further and visited the Hundertwasserhaus, but ok. ;-)

I agree with your stance on "art" the standards seem to have dropped! In your case from a cieling to a floor...

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