How to plant turmeric using media sack

in #gardening7 years ago (edited)

Hay steemit, back with me @sucindi today I am very happy because my father has harvested the turmeric that he planted and therefore i can also finish my article about planting turmeric using media sack, why i choose using media sack? because to facilitate people who do not have land but still can plant around the yard rumah.Mari we learn together how to plant turmeric using media sacks.

Turmeric plant is a plant that comes from the plains of southeast asia. In our country turmeric is known as one of the group of kitchen spices that must exist in typical indonesian food such as chicken curry, soto, yellow rice and many other foods. Turmeric (Curcuma domestica) is a group of zingiberaceae plants.

In addition useful in the field of culinary turmeric has also been known as one of the traditional drinks that can help launch menstruation and breast milk and increase appetite in children. The content of curcuminoid, essential oils, minerals, arabinose, fructose, glucose, starch, tannins, and resin are believed to have good effects on the body.

Turmeric cultivation is also quite easy and does not require special treatment. Turmeric is a plant that produces tubers, so it certainly requires loose soil. If you do not have enough open space to start cultivating it. You can slightly improvise by using polybags.

However, if you think about the size of polybags may be less large to accommodate the turmeric rhizome that will grow. So the most appropriate option is to plant turmeric in sacks. Here are 5 ways to plant turmeric in the sacks most easily and definitely profitable. Check out more.

Preparing the turmeric rhizome


The first stage when planting turmeric is none other than preparing plant seeds. Seeds of plants derived from good and qualified turmeric bulbs.Here are the criteria in preparing good quality turmeric seeds.

  • Select the sown plants that can grow quickly.
  • Use fresh bulbs, not dented, tangled and sturdy.
  • Tubers also must be really healthy and protected from pests and diseases.
  • The size of the tubers should be uniform.Umbi must experience a sufficient dormansi.
  • Seed derived from the rhizomes which has been aged 7-12 months.
  • After that then cut the rhizomes into several parts.
  • The weight of each piece is 20-30 grams and the length reaches 3-7 cm.
  • Make sure that each piece consists of 1-3 buds segas.
    -After that part pieces with a solution of fungicide or charcoal husk to avoid the fungus attack.

Sowing Tubers


The next stage in the cultivation of turmeric in sacks is sowing bulbs.Seeding is useful for plant growth can be uniform as well as sorting plants with good growth, which can be transferred into polybag sacks. Here's the complete stage in sowing turmeric bulbs.

  • You can sow the seeds by aerating the bulbs at 25-28 degrees Celsius temperature.
  • This process is done for 1-1.5 months.
  • With watering done every 2 times a day, or you can also sow the turmeric rhizome in the straw.
  • Put it down straw at locations with room temperature that is 25-28 degrees celcius.
  • Soak rhizome in ZPT solution for 3 hours. -
  • Previous rhizome must be dried first for 42 hours at a temperature of 35 degrees celcius.
  • After shoots on the rhizome has grown 2-3 cm then the rhizome is ready transferred into a sack.

Growing turmeric


Before planting turmeric in sacks first of course we have to prepare the planting media in polybag sacks. Cultivated land should be ready at least 1 month before planting.It is not difficult, you can start preparing it when you start sowing the seeds. So when the seeds grow you can simply move them into the sack. Here are the complete stages.

  • Prepare a medium sized sack, you can use a bag of used rice containers that are not used anymore.
  • Wash the sack to be used, if necessary soak with a solution of fungicide.
  • Prepare the planting medium in the form of loose soil, sand and manure.
  • Mix all media planting evenly.Then put the planting media into the bag.
  • Fill in medium to solid, and flush the planting medium to see the level of density.
  • If the soil is reduced when in the flush then refill media until the surface of the sack full.
  • Silence the media in the sack for 1 month.
  • Once the rhizome is ready to move then you just make a planting hole and plant the rhizome into the sack.

Maintenance and Care


This stage is the most crucial stage. Because it is an important step for the plant to produce harvest. Basically maintenance and care of turmeric plants is not difficult, but must still meet things like below:

  • Stitching

Embroidering is done when there are plants that do not grow. So, then we have to replace it with a new rhizome. In order for growth with other plants can take place uniformly. After the penanan we must really pay attention to the condition of the plant, so of course not many plants that need in embroidery.

  • Watering

For watering should be adjusted to weather conditions and planting media. Because basically turmeric plants are not resistant to puddles and media conditions are too muddy. So for that, you must make arrangement of water supply well. In order not to cause rottenness in the rhizome tubers.

  • Fertilization

Fertilization can be done using organic fertilizers and conventional fertilizers. Organic fertilizer that can be used is manure. Provision of manure is done when the beeumur 2 months after planting. With the giving of 2-3 kg for each sack. Fertilizer is given until the plants are aged 6-7 months after planting. Furthermore you can also provide conventional fertilizer from 2-4 months of age, in the form of TSP 10 gram per plant, 20 grams of ure, and 10 grams ZK fertilizer. Giving this fertilizer is expected to increase rhizome production. In addition, additional fertilization in the form of K2O fertilizer, P2O5 is given by way of dispersion in the plant cultivation.

  • Weeding

Weeding is done to get rid of weeds that can interfere with plant growth. Weeding is done by removing the grass that grows around the growing media in the sack. Weeding done routinely at least every 2 weeks.

  • Stockpiling

As already known that turmeric plants are plants that produce tubers. Hoarding is useful for re-stocking tubers that appear on the surface of the media. Tubers that appear will have a bad quality so it certainly will not have a good price. Therefore stockpiling should be done regularly every 3-4 months.

-Pest and Disease Control

Plant pests and diseases that usually attack the turmeric plants such as root caterpillars. These pests can be controlled by regular delivery of Furadan 3G. While the disease that often attacks the turmeric plant is rotten and rust rust and rust leaves. To memgendalikam rhizome rotting disease can be done by making drainage and irrigation system is good. Being for leaf rust disease can be controlled with dithane 45M fungicide.



Harvest can be done at the time the plants are aged 8-18 months. But the most ideal harvest time is when the plants are 11-12 months after planting.The ready-to-harvest turmeric will have the following criteria:

  • The cessation of vegetative growth is characterized by leaf fall.
  • The changes in the color of leaves from green to yellowish.
  • Harvesting is done by dismantling the rhizomes using the help of hoes or sickles.
  • Do it carefully so as not to damage the rhizomes.
  • Wash the crops in running water to remove dirt in the form of soil remains.
  • Save the harvest in the room with a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius so that the quality of turmeric is maintained.

How to plant turmeric in a sack is easiest and definitely profitable. Of course can be your guide to be able to start this business. Believe that this business is a business that will always grow. With the basic knowledge of this article it is expected that you will achieve success and success of this business. Good luck, hope this article can help.


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