How To Deal With Lige Challenges

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Good morning steemit friends....


Lost jobs, economic hardship, loss of loved ones, failed marriages or broken hearts, life will force you to face challenges at every step of the way. The only thing you need is, you must always be ready at all times to face the challenge. Here are some tips that must be prepared to face the challenges in life.

"The trials in life are not meant to scare you. But, help you find 'Who Is Yourself?', And how far you can go beyond yourself. "

  1. Do not expect ease in life
    If you hope to be given the ease and smoothness of life, you will probably end up being a hard hit when you are faced with the brutal reality of life. But, if you see your life as an obstacle along the way, then you will get used to when you face trials without disappointment. You can already come to terms with the bitter sweetness of life. So, start preparing for the challenge of life by negating the hope of being given the ease of life.

  2. Be tough
    If you think that you will have the ease in life without moving your finger, you may be away from the tough reality of the jungle. Do not try to be a tough person when you're really facing a challenge. You still have to prepare yourself for the difficulties in life by being naturally strong even though you are in the heyday. Self-resilience can include building self-confidence, high self-quality, firmness in decision making, and perseverance.

  3. Equip yourself with help and support
    The support of spiritual teachers, friends, and family is important to help you through the tough times in your life. If you have the support of your spiritual teacher, good friends, encouragement from family members and motivation from colleagues by your side, you will be better prepared spiritually, emotionally and psychologically to deal with crises when attacking your life.

  4. Reduce habits of reacting hastily
    Do you have a habit of reacting too rashly without seeing anything behind an event? Do you react without thinking or strategizing? If you have those habits, it is best to take the right steps to eliminate them immediately. Because of this habit can hinder your success in facing hot balls of life. Facing a crisis requires a calm mind to be able to think about situations and react in a measurable way.

  5. Learn how to see things objectively
    You must cultivate the habit of seeing situations, things, and people objectively if you want to be ready for the great battles of your life. If you do not know how to take your way out of a problematic situation with a bird's eye perspective, you may not be able to make the right decision to address each issue. You need to have objectivity in order to find a way out of life's challenges.

  6. Learn to be flexible according to the situation
    Do not be a narrow-minded person, because life continues to evolve. Flexibility and adaptation are qualities that are very important in facing the tough challenges in life. You need to have a flexible attitude to help you adapt to every situation. For example, if your business goes bankrupt and you are forced to resume developing a new business, you need to be flexible enough to adapt to your new circumstances. You can not blame the situation, because the situation will change from time to time.

  7. Do not easily stop trying
    If persistence is not embedded in your DNA naturally, you will find it difficult to prepare for life's challenges, even if it's a simple challenge. Always keep in mind that a winner keeps trying again and again to overcome challenges to success, while a loser always looks for ways to cheat or escape the challenge. If you want to win in all the arena of life's challenges, then you have to let go of your habit of quitting.


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Happy Steeming

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