Caring for and treating chili plant diseases

in Italy20 days ago

Chili plants are very popular among both local and international farmers, chili plants require serious care so that the harvest is maximized and free from pest attacks, if chili plants are not properly cared for, it is possible that a number of diseases have the potential to attack plants both in terms of trees or fruit, we must maintain and care for chilies from the roots to the leaves so that the results are maximized as we expect. Chili is an agricultural commodity that is often found in everyday life. In addition to being commonly used for serving, chili also has various health benefits, such as weight loss, heart prevention, and detoxification aids.


***What are the types of diseases that affect chili plants? ***

1 Fusarium Wilt

The symptoms of this disease are that the leaves appear wilted, starting from the bottom to yellowing up towards the young branches, the part of the chili plant stem infected with this disease will be covered in white hyphae like cotton. If the chili plant is attacked while it is still growing, fruit can still be produced. However, if the disease has spread to the stem area, the young chilies will fall off.

How ​​to overcome it?

Remove and destroy the affected plants, if necessary spray the clean land and give fertilizer that can change the acidity in the soil.

2 Ralstonia Bacterial Wilt

If the previous disease was caused by fungus, ralstonia bacterial wilt is caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas solanacearum. Ralstonia bacterial wilt disease is transmitted through soil, seeds, seedlings, plant debris, irrigation, nematodes, or agricultural tools.

If old chili plants are attacked, the part that will wilt first is the lower leaves. Meanwhile, if it attacks young chili plants, wilting will be seen starting on the upper leaves of the plant.

In addition to the symptoms of wilting, when the roots or stems of chili plants are cut crosswise and dipped in water, there are special indications. When dipped, a cloudy liquid of bacterial colonies will appear and float in the water resembling a puff of smoke.


To control this disease, there are several things we can do, namely:

Remove and destroy diseased plants, and throw them away, if necessary burn them completely.

3 Yellow Virus

The yellow virus is also commonly called bule or bulai disease, the yellow virus causes chili plants to appear yellow. This disease caused by the gemini virus can be carried from seeds or seeds and transmitted by aphids caused by viruses, chemical poisons will not work to overcome it. Therefore, control must be carried out from the start, such as by selecting superior seeds that are resistant to virus attacks. In addition, of course, eradicating vector pests such as aphids.

4 Leaf Spots

Symptoms of chili plants affected by leaf spots such as the appearance of round brown spots on the leaves, these spots are usually about 1 inch in size with a pale to white center with darker colored edges. Caused by the fungus Cercospora capsici, this disease can be carried by wind, rainwater, vector pests, or agricultural tools. Among the supporting factors for leaf spots are environmental conditions that are always rainy.


If already infected, some things that can be done include:

Destruction of diseased plants by burning.
Provide fungicides according to the rules if the attack is getting worse.
As for preventing it, we must be able to choose healthy and pathogen-free seeds. In addition, improving drainage and choosing the right planting time also need to be done to minimize the possibility of attacks.

5 Anthracnose Fruit Rot

The initial symptoms of anthracnose fruit rot are the appearance of black, orange, and brown spots. The resulting wounds will widen and form concentric circles with a diameter of 10 to 30 millimeters or more. Not long after, the fruit will turn blackish brown and rot. For information, anthracnose fruit rot can attack both young and ripe fruit.


How ​​to control it

Clean the land and diseased plants so that they do not spread. Use fungicides according to recommendations as a last resort. Before starting to plant chilies, choose seeds that are resistant to the disease. The application of technical culture in the form of crop rotation, use of healthy seeds, and sanitation of diseased fruit needs to be done.

6 Leaf Curl

Leaf curl or mosaic is a disease caused by the Cucumber Mosaic Virus. This disease can spread from one plant to another due to insect activity. If chili plants are attacked by leaf curl, the growth of chilies becomes small or short and the size of the leaves is smaller. To reduce the possibility of spreading the disease, it is necessary to destroy chili plants that have been attacked. In order to prevent it, the selection of virus-resistant seeds and proper and good fertilization need to be done.

That is a brief explanation of the six common chili plant diseases and how to overcome them. Hopefully useful.


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