~The King of Fruits~

in #food5 years ago (edited)

When you live in a foreign country, you're bound to come across a few unusual eating habits.

I pride myself on NOT being a fussy eater (I've enjoyed frog's legs, squirrel, raw shrimp, stink beans and ant eggs... to name a few). However, there has been one food that I have avoided like the plague for well over a decade...

until today..

King of fruits.png

* Durian *

~ The KIng of Fruits ~

It's crazy how much reaction one fruit can get. The people who LOVE durian, go wild over it. There are durian desserts, durian chips, durian ice cream.. I've even seen durian cooked into a pizza!

durian pizza.jpg

In the opposite camp, people LOATHE the stinky, spiky thing. They can't stand the smell and texture let alone come close to tasting it. If they did, they'd probably spit it right out immediately.

To many, everything about the thing is gross. If it comes into a room, they'll look for the quickest exit.


I'll admit, I have been a staunch hater of the thing since I first laid nostrils on it. It practically became part of my introduction, "Hello I'm @striderpunk, the only thing I won't eat is durian." :: shudders ::

I mean, there's a reason it's banned on planes, on trains, on subways, in hotels, and pretty much every other public area!


So you can imagine all the fulminations brewing in my mind when I saw the misses walking through the door with one.

However, before I could blurt out "It's me or the fruit, you decide!".. something strange happened... Perhaps I'm getting old and complacent, but I found curiosity winning over.

My wife joked slyly, "Do you want some?"
I retorted with a grimace "Is it good?"
My wife stuck her hands out and said "Try it!"

durian 1.jpg

The scene unfolded like the end of one of my favorite pieces of literature... Green Eggs and Ham

:: sighs bracingly :: "If you let me be.. I will try it, you will see.."

aaannndd... :: DRUMROLL ::

.. it's not bad.. not bad at all.

While, I might not eat it with a goat or on a boat, I have been won over. I guess this was only a matter of time, since everyone else around me is a huge fan..

[The kids love it]
cats durian.jpg
[My cats love it]
[My dog's name is Durian!]

..I just wish it wasn't so bloody expensive...

What about you? where do you fall in the debate over the King of Fruits?? Do you love it? Can't stand it? or somewhere in between? Perhaps this is the first time you're even hearing about it. Let me know in the comments below. I'll see you all next time..

durian love.jpgdurian hate.jpg

Until Then..

* unsourced images are my own


It’s a good and delicious fruit 👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

Durian ice cream with sticky rice is great!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, that's true.😆

Posted using Partiko iOS

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