Plant Update! 03.13.2020

in ecoTrain4 years ago

Good morning! I think it's been awhile since I did an update regarding my planting journey. Hehe! So here are the bok choys on the hanging containers after three weeks, I guess? Sorry I lost count of the days and weeks because I kept replanting last time!


The leaves are still whole and untouched by pests so the bok choys on these higher containers are growing continuously. I've forgotten to take a photo of the bok choys on the garden bed but there are still few left and some have grown taller already. We are covering it with those excess bottle containers to prevent grasshoppers from eating the leaves. Aside from that, we also made a garlic spray, a natural way to deter pests from your plants. Actually I still don't know if it's working because I still cover the bok choys with bottle containers. I'll try to keep one plant open starting tomorrow to see whether the garlic spray really works.

Meanwhile, I don't know what's happening but the some of the leaves of the sunflower drying/wilting?


And here are the two sunflowers I planted last week.


Small caterpillars also found out about the lemon plant and is beginning to eat its leaves so my mother sprayed garlic spray on its leaves as well.


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Looking very good!

I usually flick the caterpillars off my plants if I find any. Collect them and throw them on top of a compost pile where the worms are, and the birds will help remove the problem pests.

I heard that vinegar traps can also help deter caterpillars. Seemed to work last year when I hung a tiny plastic bottle of vinegar from my apple trees and my gooseberry bush.

Bugs do not seem to like smelly things for some reason. Maybe because it attracts disease, flies, and worms, which only eat dead things.

Mint leaves are another good smelly deterrent. Sometimes I crush them and rub the oil on the leaves of tender plants, and stack the leaves as a barrier around the stem. Peppermint oil can be added to a water bottle to spray plants.

Wow, thanks for all these tips! I'd surely try these if the garlic spray doesn't work but it seem to work for now. I'm still observing it. 😊

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Looking pretty, much love to your plants so they grow healthy and strong :)


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