Visiting one of the southernmost parts of the Finnish Archipelago! [Part 2]

in #life6 years ago

Hey everyone,

Today I am back to share the rest of the photos I took while visiting Utö. As I mentioned in the previous post the island has a lot to offer even though it is pretty small. Last post I ended with a photo of the shore and a sunken ship. There are actually a few ships that are known to have sunk outside of this island.

I want to start off with my favorite photo from the trip which is from a monument that was made for a ship that sunk outside of the island a long time ago.


There are two traffic signs on the island(only one of which is actually for traffic) even though there wasn't a single car on the island when I was there I suppose there used to be vehicles every now and then in the past that visited the island.

The first one is a normal 50 speed limit sign but what I thought was interesting is that under the sign it says "not valid 8:07-20:13" which I just thought was an oddly specific time limit. Did everyone just go full speed outside of these hours? Many questions were raised by this simple traffic sign.

The other sign I thought was kind of cool just cause I haven't seen one like it before. It says "Nature first" in Swedish and then Finnish.

This next photo I took from the pilot dock and you can see all the houses are pretty similar to each other except for one or two that are much larger than the others.


Another one from the shore where you can see that the island stretches out pretty far.


I mentioned in my previous post that me and my friend found something kinda creepy on the island. There are multiple bunkers throughout the island which have been used at some point in the past but nowadays are emptied out. We went in to one of them which is open and doesn't really have any doors or anything but still leads pretty far into the ground. In the middle room I was going first and had a flashlight to see, while I walk in and look around the corner on the wall I saw this:


It was a pretty random thing to find there and just really unexpected. What a weird spot to go and do graffiti.

Hope no one got scared from this last picture. And I hope you all have a great weekend. This was it for my posts about Utö. I might visit again sometime and I recommend anyone to do so cause it's a great place to relax for a couple of days.

Take care everyone and remember to follow!

Peace out, Strawhat



That’s pretty amazing , I live in NYC to I don’t really get to see areas like this . It’s all tall buildings and more buildings . It looks so peaceful there

lol, that sign to the left is hilarious


That sign is pretty funny lol
What if I go over 50 kph at 8:06 am. If I get caught can I say my car clock says it's already 8:07 am?

this post is absolutely fun and also amazing, perfect shooting, perfect view and nice article, i will follow you to see more story from you, good luck buddy

wow it was so amazing!you bring us to the place where you visit through this photos!thank you my friend @strawhat

The photos are wonderful, I can tell you enjoyed the trip! All the pictures I loved.

The "Nature First" sign is charming, although since I do not know Swedish or Finnish, when seeing the photo I automatically thought that it said "frogs in the area" and I felt chills hahahahaha (I have a phobia of frogs) :C

Graffiti is something unexpected to see, but very interesting, not terrifying at all.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip :D ♥

Wow some brilliant shots you captured there so beautiful to check them out :D

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