How much does life cost?

in #life8 years ago (edited)


You look around you and you see people... you assume they are human, just because they can say good morning, good evening.. and they can walk on two...

That's where the mistaken assumption begins!

It would be to your benefit to read every word of this article and make it part of your mentality. to read it as a child would, because what will be given to you right now, is a truth which was conquered at a great cost...

If someone points a gun to your face saying "your money or your life" (where money is all material things that we think we own) what would be your response? you simply give it all, to save your life... So, for all intents and purposes, life is of great value for every one of us, individually... but there are instances where we could give-sacrifice our Life!

If someone tells you "your money or your life..or your family..." then the value of Life on a personal level, goes as far as your life is the means that will save our beloved ones... if we are humans with a soul and not clones, of course. So, again, the Life of others might be considered priceless!

If you hear that the Life of a friend is in danger, depending on the situation, if it is from an
outside factor and you are there, or if it is due to illness etc... then one starts negotiating
on the value of life!

Don't be quick to reach conclusions... in other words shut the voice in your mind up and listen...
If you hear that your best man's kid suffers from a serious illness, then you will participate in helping, based on the fact that you take your survival for granted.. so, the priceless of Life loses its value because you can transfer your responsibility to your best man.. if someone is to sacrifice himself, it should be him... It's logical in a way that your love for someone elses kid is not the same... (I don't know how wise it is though...)

So, the further responsibility is from you, and the smaller the amount of loving... the value of life for you is cheaper... That's why when you feel that a beggar is truly honest, you'll perhaps give him 2 euro, for him to go by... because you say, let's all share the responsibility!

If we talk about thousands of kids dying from starvation and thirst, 99% of the population on earth in this horrid civilization, doesn't give a damn, so no value for life there... then you realize that it's all about the value of Life in terms of our own interests and our denying responsibility! Nevertheless, we take our sword out when our humanity, our democracy and our culture is compromised (sword my ass, but it's a good example for you to see the mask you're wearing)

Now that we've cleared the terms of value and how much that changes depending on our spirit and our love, depending on how much we have understood our needs and our fear for the future, let's go to the nitty gritty!

Have you ever killed a man? Shame on you for saying "no" with such conviction!

I put it to you that you have killed, not only one, but many people.. we have all killed many fellowmen...And I'm not referring to the fact that if you bought those products, you've killed those who die for them etc. No, my friend, what I'm telling you here is absolutely real!


A problem that has only one solution, cannot possibly have democratic procedures for
that solution at the same time!

In other words, you can't have 20 idiots with 20 idiotic ideas, and to oblige the one which has the right
idea and the solution, to work with them!

Stupidity is stupidity, intelligence is intelligence, and a solution, is a solution.
The rest is just monkey business as we are all monkeys!

Every day, you lightheartedly judge, every day you suggest things lightheartedly and perhaps for your own benefit, every day you let your belief system guide you like an idiot, and you never once stop to ask your self... do I really know what I think I know? Or have I merely scratched its surface? or has the hyperbeing planted it in my brain, and the more I talk the more harm I cause?

Imagine the moment you told a friend that some doctor is no good, because your cousin's brother in law has a sister in law who visited him and was not satisfied...Imagine that same doctor being the only one with the knowledge to cure your friend's ailment... but because your friend loves and trusts you, he'll never see that doctor, and at the end he'll lose the battle with his illness.. have you or have you not killed him?

Don't kid yourself, that's not the death example... that's not the only one, and today, you will not get away with it!

Man has a great weapon for survival. His mind... it's a powerful weapon but unfortunately, with vulnerable spots.

Α woman disappointed by her husband, will develop breast cancer, a man scared of death, will develop lung cancer, a man who felt underestimated will develop bone cancer... and the list of diseases we plant in our brain as and order, and the brain obliges, goes on and on...

So I'm asking you again. How many people have you critisized harshly? How many people let you in their hearts, which you broke with your words and or actions?

How many people have you judged with harsh words? How many people have you gossiped about? How many have you supressed? How many have you put down in your workplace, and then gloated like an idiot that you won this battle too?!!

Our brain perceives thoughts as reality. If a person lives under the stress for survival and hunger, he gave his brain the signal to send a hypercell to his stomach... cancerous cells!!

TV bombards us all with insecurity for the future. The very sensitive ones, have already opted out by suicide... The next group, will be those, whose pressure and stress send signals to their brain to create a hyperfunction in order to avoid danger... a danger in virtual reality however... a future danger that may never come!

I ask you... Do you subtly pressure your employees in your business... implying and tramsmitting fear that they might not be there tomorrow? Come on... it's me you're talking to. You are doing just that!

Have you ever created insecurities so that you don't lose the authoritative control.. ? so that you
don't loose what you stupidly think is yours? yes you have!

We've all suckled on a breast... we came in totally helpless, unprotected.. the most unprotected creatures on the planet.. and for a while, it was a breast that nurtured us!

Nobody drank a magic juice.. we all cried for a breast!

The abilities we have in Life, were given to us by our parents (old convicts on this prison planet)..they are social, material, but in no way substantial! Nobody obtained their soul quality from here,
be he billionaire or pauper... we all got our qualities, the minute we walked into this structure... before the first kiss on the breast!...

If some of you consider yourselves above all others, because as luck, or inheritance, or corruption would have it, you're in an authoritative position, think twice you idiots... You have obtained nothing of substance, if you're using the tangible...!

It is the untangible that is substantial and useful... as the rooms housing you... the space you live in,
doesn't really exist, the glass of water fits in the non existence of a cavity!...

Our thoughts, our convictions, our fears, are a reality for our mind... and our mind can make us ill or heal us within a fraction of a second!

This truth is non negotiable and i suggest you make sure you let it get in your psyche right now!

When we are able to stand on our own two feet and have no need for the breast, our power is immense!
So let us respect the fact that essentially and dynamically we are all the same and that we all started from the same state, so that we will be able to heal each other and with a total respect for life, without considering our interests!

Don't let my words whip you, when our time comes, the time when we will be experiencing disaster and the depletion of life... In order to stop the future they have in store for you, they must see that during their experiments on you, you as a Greek have the capability to distinguish the lie and the error, and that you have non negotiable qualities and values!

Your neighbour's child is our child, and only with this philosophy and total respect, can we stop the darkness that has blanketed our society.

If they realize that we totally respect Life, they will not dare manifest everything they're planning to do... when they see united and angry people, they immediately retreat... but if they see loose structures and values, they will heat the boiling pot even more !

Learn to think as you should, in order to heal and to be healed. Learn not to judge... you don't know how much the person you're critisizing loves you, and you might kill him... don't choose the surface, be aware of the things you're saying... Words are mathematical. They could be infinite, but they could also change the balance of the world with just one addition. Add the word Love inside you... It is capable of changing everything! Learn to forgive yourself, because you are the beginning in everything, and if you are well, you will do good to the ones around you... Mistakes exist to make you learn who you are... forgive yourself, stop any inner battles you might be waging, to enable your mind to heal you!


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