The Unconscious Mind - Ecotrain's Question of the Week

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: The Unconscious Mind - Ecotrain's Question of the Week

Since the Steem blockchain became a centralized, top-down dominated place, where control and censorship thrive, I have decided to move my content. Don't worry, though, all my posts and up and doing well on the decentralized Hive blockchain. Come and check it out!


oooh, u hit my spot with this post, and especially this sentence:

" Well, think about it: our mind, conscious and unconscious alike, is the workings of electrical activity in our brain synapses, resulting from electrons shooting out of atoms, into adjacent atoms, and so on. These vibrations are not locked into our skulls, but are all around us, affecting all the people and things, etc."

beautiful esoteric answer brother!

Thank you @eco-alex for enjoying my post. I was a bit worried that what I wrote is actually not based on anything more than my own way of looking at things... pure believes. But seeing so much resonation with others, makes me feel that at least I'm not wrong. Thanks for the support, and thank you also for prompting such an interesting topic!

"Instead of condemning the Unconscious for this censorship imposed upon us, we should appreciate it for protecting our mental well-being." Yup - that REALLY resonated with me too.

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Thanks for your comment, @artemislives! It's so nice to hear that you can relate to my bits of thought.

Wahoo! Love how you explained the workings of the unconscious mind - makes me appreciate it even more and inspires me to tap into it more through meditation and prayer!
All this and the wonders of Steem too!
Happy blogging and thanks for sharing your insights and knowledge!

Funny, how there are so many parallels between the workings of Steem, and our unconscious. Both tie us together in intricate ways, giving each single action so much more significance. Thanks for stopping by!

Excellent t take on this. I really like the idea of our unconscious all woven together.

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly, @solarsupermama! Looking back at my post, I feel that this is the most important part, and I should have covered it in more depth. Thanks for the comment.

You're welcome. Interconnection webs are really delicious and fascinating to me.

Posted using Partiko Android

nice topic, but looking for subliminal perception

What do you mean?

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