Communicating Needs and the Art of Listening - Ecotrain's Question of the Week

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

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Hola. Es muy bueno tu cuestionamiento. Necesitamos ser sinceros y dejar de ser falsos. Cuando preguntas a alguien ¿como estás? seguro quieres saber? o simplemente es, salir del paso y ser amable.
Ayudar a los demás, es ayudarte a ti mismo. Decir que pasa, decir te ayudo, decir que te sientes, no significa que luego ese mismo individuo te ayude. Es ayudar para tu sentirte bien. Es saber que alguien te necesita y le diste una mano. Necesitamos practicar más, hacer el bien.

Hi. Your questioning is very good. We need to be honest and stop being fake. When you ask someone how are you? sure you want to know? Or simply it is, step out and be kind.
To help others is to help yourself. To say what happens, to say I help you, to say that you feel, does not mean that later that same individual helps you. It is to help you feel good. It is knowing that someone needs you and you gave him a hand. We need to practice more, do good.

Claro, so puede ver la insinceridad en muchas instituciones, incluyendo la manera de hablar a que estamos acostumbrados. Muchas veces lo que dice la gente es "Quiero parecer como una buena persona, pero no mi importa ayudar realmente."

Of course, you can see insincerity in many institutions, including the way we are used to speaking. Many times what people say is "I want to look like a good person, but I don't really care about helping."

Totalmente de acuerdo. Solo formalismos.
Que tengas bello día.

Hey @gertu, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

muchas gracias !!!

"The Long term Effects of Learned Numbness". You should enter that in @senorcoconut's monthly quote competition!!

Some sharp and important observations here.... thank you.

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I'm happy to hear you like my wording! But does it really have what it takes to make a great quote? It should have something else added to it, at least to explain those effects, or some idea to illustrate it. But thanks for the suggestion, I'll keep filing on it. :-)

Good point of reflection, @stortebeker.Empathy is a very necessary human quality for a healthy coexistence. Put yourself in the place of another, put in other people's shoes, feedback and provide data to solve misunderstandings. Well done!
I developed my response from the Ego. I invite you to put an eye, if you have time.

Thanks for your comment! Yes, you summarized it very well: putting ourselves in other people's shoes. We can never be them, so we'll never know what exactly it's like to be them. But using your analogy, their shoes can give us a fairly close idea. To know more, we can just ask: "How does it feel walking in your shoes?" I'm sure they'd be glad to share.

Some real food for thought here. In a way we've also gone from appreciating what another does for us to expecting others to do things for us, via this economy where we can purchase whatever we need or want.

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Right, and it's killing our naturally innate sense of caring and sharing, which may seem selfless, but ultimately we do out of self interest. The more I give the more I'll get, so to speak. Kinda like when I upvote a post, on one hand I want to support good content, on the other hand I look forward to the reward. But if you reduce human relationships to merely monetary transactions, you kill the interaction before it even had a chance to start. The worst part is, because all (fiat!) money is based on debt with a certain interest that has to be paid, the number of people interacting also gets reduced gradually. It almost seems like the system wants to nullify human relationships!

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