Happiness: 5 Ways To Increase Your Happiness

in #happiness7 years ago

We all would like to have more happiness in our lives; so bear are a few pointers I try to live by to remind me if what's good in my life.

Cut Out Negative People
We all know a negative person. They moan a lot. Things are never good enough for them. Everything is a chore for them. Rarely are they fun to be around. They are the type of person who says you can't reach your goals so why bother?

Fuck these people. Seriously, fuck them. You don't want them in your life.

Think of a positive person you know. Think of how happy they make you, how they are always fun to be around and how if you were to tell them your goals, they would believe in you and tell you to go for it. Love these people, love them with everything you have.

It may be impossible to cut out all negative people in your life but try to find a way to limit contact.

You Have The Power To Say NO!
You have the right to do whatever it is you want. Don't let someone pressure you into doing something you don't want to. It's your life and your choice.

Of course there is a line between saying no and just being a selfish jerk, especially if you do owe someone a favour.

Be Thankful
This one is a simple yet powerful practise.

Everyday when you wake up and before you go to sleep, or even anytime throughout the day just go through all the things you are thankful for.

For example your family, your health, the tickets you have to go see your favourite band. It could be anything you are thankful for.

Try to think of new things everyday (it's ok to repeat them though) and you will see how lucky you are.

Imagine The Best Case Scenario Rather Than The Worst Case Scenario
We as humans tend to think of the worst. But what if it goes wrong? What if I'm not good enough? What if she doesn't like me?

Scratch that from your thinking and flip it on its head.

What will happen if it goes right? What if I am good enough? What if she does like me?

Can you see how thinking if the positive outcomes could make you want to do more things rather than shy away and never realise your full potential?

Don't Rely On Others To Make You Happy
Seriously, don't do that.

If you place all your value and happiness in someone else, there will be a time when they let you down or they are not around. Then what do you do?
If you can make your own happiness then no one can ever take it from you.

Thanks for reading. You can check out my blog at @stopbeingafatty where I talk about feeling better about yourself, getting the mindset you want and losing some weight.

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