THE DIARY GAME : 19/09/2020 :Back Again


Hey everyone I am back to do another Diary post. I won't lie once again when you got a week and the team doesn't see your stuff it makes you a little sad. So I took a few days off because I don't even know how I am doing in the contest. They did upvote one of my posts so that was nice. But I am back and ready to do it for a few days to end the season.

It is Saturday so I got to sleep in a little that was nice. Still, the whole house as up by 8 am and we had to start to get ready to take the kids to my gym. I forgot to take a phoote but it is a gym place for kids that gets them to workout while playing games. With all the time suck inside it is nice to get them in this place. I am glad they didn't have to shutdown for covid.

Breakfast we just ceral and fruit with my coffee. Then it was time to hang out with my 5 year old and play board games while my wife took our little one to the gym. Their classes are back to back so take turns.

After a few games, my daughter started to watch TV so I came in to check on my Tron farming stuff. I still haven't been scammed but I got into a new one today. So their is a chance. The main project I farm is Sun and then sometimes I stake those tokes into other stuff. It has been working okay I tihnk. It is superhard to track all my coins with all the pools I am in. But it has been fun to use the tron chain more to do stuff. I am more impressed with it now.

Then it was time to go to my gym. I like it when I go with my oldest because it isn't parent particpation. I was able to use my phone to catch up on the news a little and check on my new farm. It is funny to watch coins grow at 5000% lol. I still only put a few in there so not a big thing but who knows right. I did take breaks from the phone to watch her. She had a lot of fun today and that was good.

After her class we headed home for lunch. The kids had grilled cheese and I ate leftovers and had a corn dog. We are getting free lunches from the school during covid so sometimes I eat that food when the kids don't like it. How I got a corn dog. Got to be furgel right. I also hate to waste food so I feel a little funny eating a kids lunch but it was fine.

Today we had a play date planned for my oldest with a friend she doesn't get to see after she left daycare. I stayed home with our 2 year-old because she iesn't ready to keep up with the two older girls and they had a plan to go swimming and stupid covid has kept our local pool closed so I never got to teach Emily how to swim yet. I didn't want to have to watch her so close at the pool and stuff. So instead we went to the park.


It was a nice day out and we had a lot of fun. She got to run around and go on the swings and slides. Some other kids where there why I took a shoot of the field and not the playground.

We headed home after about and hours and she went down for a nap.

That gave me some time to get back on the computer and play some games. I have been playing Town Star a little and splinterlands still. I am looking into more crypto games as I like them. I also love getting NFTs in a hope the game goes big.

I did some farming and reinvested the coins. Then I took a break to watch some crypto youtube. There isn't as much on the weekend. I bet not a lot of people watch but still I got to catch up on a few things.

My wife and Hailey got home right at dinner time. I had lost track of time so we went out and got fast food. We had all be doing a lot of running around so it wasn't that bad of a day to do it. Of course I went to the bad store and messed up the order. I kicked a box and went back to get the missing food. I was mad at them and myself. My wife always checks the food I never do and this happens to me more than I want to admit.

The kids had long days even after dinner we played a lot of running around the house and keeping balloons in the air. THey call it keepy uppy so I am glad that they are sleeping. I need to go hope in bed also but I did take some time to post a fiew videos to my youtube about Tron stuff. Then come do a few post and now get this this. Prodcutive day for sure. Take care all and good luck out there in the crypto world.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62676.37
ETH 2581.43
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72