Take a look at my California

in SoCal Steemit4 years ago


Hello to everyone on Hive, This post is more about the SoCal hive group but I hope that everyone here can get behind the idea of starting a local group of people on Hive. If you are in California think about joining the Discord it is a pretty chill place for now but if we can grow the group I am sure that more will be going on soo. The basic idea is to be able to meet up with some members at different places and have some fun in the real world with people that are also part of the crypto world. Make sure to follow @socalsteemit to take part in this contest if you are in California. I am going to get into what I wanted to share with you this time. That first image isn't mine but it is a nice shot of a beach here.


Just like a lot of you my family is dealing with issues of the Covid 19 virus. I am happy that none of us are sick. My work shut down and put me on furlough for two weeks. I am thinking it will be extended but hopeful that it isn't I am doing okay had some vacation saved up but if it goes on for months could be an issue. I count myself lucky still as I live in a country doing some stuff for those of us facing this.

So my last week has been all about taking care of the kids. It didn't make sense to leave them in daycare so we pulled them out for now. I get to spend most of the day with them. My wife is lucky and is working from home but I have to let her work. So we have a pretty good routine down. Wake up eat play inside, watch some shows and then hit the back yard. Then we go on a bike ride around the neighborhood Then we play at the local park and head home for nap time. Then I get to do my crypto stuff for about 2 hours. Then it making dinner and playing with the kids some more.

On day two of this new routine, this happened.


I was letting them play and little and sanitizing after but now the wife is a bit no to the slides and swings. I don't agree but you know the saying Happy Wife etc. So, for now, we play in the grass. Luckily my girls like to play games where we react shows they watch. It is pretty fun to be the big bad wolf. Park has been pretty empty might be due to these signs.


Sometimes I feel like it a bit much to watch people cross the street when they see us coming. But I guess it better to be safe. One pretty cool thing that just started a few days ago is people in our area are painting rocks. Then hiding them in the parks for kids to find. I have watched a few of them watching my daughters run around and it makes them smile. It makes me smile too as they have a blast finding them.






They have hearts and messages most of the time. It is all pretty nice and makes me happy to live in this area. I hope that other places are finding ways to still be nice to each other. Right now my California is all about the kids and staying safe. Trying to support local business by ordering food sometimes. Staying healthy and trying to make sure my kids have no idea something a little scary is going on in the world. I have a feeling a lot of you are doing things that are very similar. I hope you are all doing well.

Oh and don't worry about the girls so much we have a little swing set in the back that is working out for now.



for you

Congratulations @stever82, your post won 2nd prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!

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