What better way to wrap up the afternoon than a catch up on what you guys have been up to today with a spot of Manual Curating and a plate of cheese and rocket lettuce sandwiches. hahaha

#Promo-Steem - Promoting the #thediarygame challenge and #the100daysofsteem project

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Curating and Sandwiches

I hope you are all staying safe and well.

What a fantastic day it has been again today.

The sun has been out all day here in the U.K. today and I have spent most of the day between working and relaxing in the sun.

As the day draws to a close, I decided a plate of cheese and rocket lettuce sandwiches would go down a treat.





Manual Curating

As I tuck into my sandwiches, what better way to enjoy them than to catch up on what you guys have been up to today with a spot of Manual Curating.

With so much great stuff now being shared on #Steem it is hard to give everyone a vote, but I will try and get through as many as I can.

Interesting telephone call

Before I wrap up this Diary Blog, I thought I would quickly share with you a very interesting telephone call I had today with a very close friend and business associate.

I have known this friend and associate for many years and we are always bouncing business ideas off each other.

He has very close ties with the Insurance Industry having worked in it for many years and we got on to talking about Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology.

Apparently, my friend has been invited to attend a Virtual Seminar with some of the biggest players in Insurance presenting a number a presentation on how Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology will play a vital role in the future of Insurance.

You can image how the conversation went.

We probably spoke for about half an hour on the topic and I am really looking forward to his feedback from the Seminar later on in the week.

Exciting times.!!

Stay safe and well everyone

In the meantime, have a great day everyone and stay safe and well.

Thanks again for reading.


#Promo-Steem - Promoting #thediarygame

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Interesting call maybe more will come of it, those sandwiches are yummy I like the brown seeded bread also.

Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

Tasty looking sandwiches!

The Steemit Team

You are very welcome.

It is great to see the #thediarygame getting a lot of attention.

Personally, I absolutely love it and think it is one of the best promotional initiatives that has been run to promote #Steem.

I am just working on a Blog at the moment giving the Steemit Team a big shout-out for the success of the #thediarygame challenge and I am going to pitch an idea to the Community.

It is an idea that I have been chewing on for a few days now and I thought now was a great time to throw it out there into the Community.

It is totally up to you guys what to do, but I thought I would just test the water and see what the Community thinks of it.

Basically, I am going to suggest that the #Steemit / #Steem Community brands the #thediarygame with an official logo and gives it an identity.!!

The reason I am thinking this is that I think you guys might be on to something and I for one would love to see the #thediarygame continue beyond the initial 100 Days of #Steem.

I would love to know what the Community thinks about the idea and will tag you in on the Blog.


Hi Stephen

Yes saw the post - thank you for that.

We are certainly now considering what we could with The Diary Game when the 100 Days of Steem finishes.

It is definitely too good to stop!

We hope to be make some further announcements on this in the next week or so.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Sounds fantastic.

Looking forward to seeing the #thediarygame challenge continuing to grow and become more of a regular feature.

It has certainly captured people's imagination, that is for sure.

I love it.

Keep up the great work.


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