THE BEST PHOTO OF THE WEEK CONTEST - The modern and the ancient [IT] - [EN]

in Italy3 years ago


(photo of my property)
Iphone 11

Con la foto qui sopra riportata partecipo al concorso THE BEST PHOTO OF THE WEEK creato da @italygame.
Qui di seguito il link all'ultimo contest:

Descrizione dello scatto fotografico
Domenica 16 Dicembre sono stato a Santarcangelo di Romagna ed abbiamo fatto una passeggiata intorno al paese. Ad un certo punto sono arrivato in una piazza in cui c’era una fontana con un design moderno ed in lontananza un castello Malatestiano. Mi ha colpito il contrasto tra il moderno e l’antico ed ho provato a scattare una foto in cui erano visibili entrambi.


Description of the photo shot
Sunday 16 December I went to Santarcangelo di Romagna and we took a walk around the town. Suddenly I arrived in a square where there was a fountain with a modern design and in the distance a Malatesta castle. I was struck by the contrast between the modern and the ancient and I tried to take a picture in which both were visible.



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When I glimpsed this photo I thought it was a seat made of stone. But after reading your post, I just found out this is a picture of a fountain. Btw, Italy is always interesting for me..

Thanks for stopping by. Those green elements are layers of glass discs placed on top of each other

This is amazing place and good combination to modern and ancient. Hope i visit this place!!!

I agree, modern objects do not ruin the ancient and embellish the town even more

Congratulations for this photo, it is a fountain that draws a lot of attention due to its original style. Greetings.

As soon as I saw this fountain from afar I perceived its beauty. Thanks to leave a comment

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Very nice, it can be seen very well due to the angle in which the photo was taken. Thank you, regards.

I searched for the right angle from which we could see both the fountain and the castle. Thanks for stopping by

This is literally awesome.

Thanks you for stopping by

I really like that view of the fountain, the lawn, the castle and the sky. It transmits a lot of harmony. Congratulations for the photo.

 3 years ago (edited)

I tried to find the right view for the photo. Thank you for appreciation

L'attuale o il moderno è sempre piuttosto suggestivo, ma i castelli risvegliano sempre nella mente quel senso di mistero ed enigmatico che li rende unici.

È vero, io sono sempre stato attirato dai castelli

This is a good photo, since the shape and components of this beautiful fountain, and the great castle in the background, are very well perceived. Thanks for sharing.

In this photo I wanted to combine the ancient and the modern, and in part, in my opinion, I succeeded.

Hi @stefano.massari,
Your photo very beautiful and perfect. Exelent 👍

Thanks you for stopping by

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