in #politics7 years ago

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Movie Summary: "On July 18, 1969, Sen. Ted Kennedy drives his car off of a bridge on Massachusetts' Chappaquiddick Island. The accident results in the death of passenger Mary Jo Kopechne, a 28-year-old campaign strategist who worked for Kennedy. The ongoing investigation into the mysterious and scandalous events forever alters his political legacy -- and ultimately changes the course of presidential history."

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I watch a lot of Stefan Molynuex and he seems really "bummed out" for lack of a better term, lately to me. I wrote just this morning about how important it is to stand by your convictions when they're being tested and I hope the message gets out. Cheer up Stef, one of the reasons why you need to stay true yourself is people like me who were inspired to join Steemit and start contributing to the conversation. It took years for me to gain the courage and I can't be alone with giving credit your way for the push I needed.

I don't know about him being sad, nobody can attest to that but himself! I do see him working a whole lot, his work keeps growing! I do feel you about having a true one - of - a - kind platform to call social media and for once, worthwhile. Let's add more by giving more, in clear dialogue in this play we call life and also definite point on ones true beliefs. Let's Share more subscribe and share :)

I hope your right. It is definitely a positive message you have and that's what is needed now.

I've really appreciate the 4k stream! thanks a bunch @stefan.molyneux


Ted in his undershorts, now that's something we can all do without. On a more serious note, The amount of hell that surrounds everyone is definitely palatable. Sadly it's all a result of general immorality that has gone unchecked for a long time. A moral and responsible people could clearly see it for what it is.

Stefan, returning to a clouded religious past, is no way to absolute truth , you know this. Don't mire yourself in having to try and change something that does not want or desire change.

Truth just is and misalignment with it, causes all the dominant hell we see around us. Change is only possible one soul t a time and that soul has to want the change, not jjust performing the same things over and over that clearly do not work. Keep up the good work. Common sense is growing due to people like yourself who put it all together in a thought provoking manner.

I'll leave you with this thought. Daniel Webster, the guy who was responsible and credited with creating an American way of life the country was built upon even to this day, his influence is present. Out of all his work defining words, it is said he was credited with the coinage of only one word, that being;

'demoralize' which he defined 'To corrupt or undermine the morals of ; to destroy or lessen the effect of moral principles on; to render corrupt in morals.

The effect would be to demoralize mankind.

The native vigor of the soul must wholly disappear, under the steady influence and the demoralizing example of profligate power and prosperous crime.'


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