Splinterlands Facebook & Telegram Report & Lord A Giveaway!

in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! What a great week it has been with another season-ending and the release of the Untamed series!

Splinterlands has a lot of exciting things going on, especially with this weekend's awesome tournaments. Make sure you get in on one this weekend as there are extra nice tourneys for you to take part in.

I have seen a ton of new players to Splinterlands in Telegram and Facebook and I welcome you all here!

In Telegram, we now have 786 members!
In the Facebook group, there are 400 members.
The Facebook page has 401 follows and 376 likes.

This week's GIVEAWAY: Lord Arianthus

One lucky winner will win a Lord A!
All you need to do is give us your funniest Splinterlands related meme to be eligible. Drop it in the comments below and next week one winner will be randomly picked! Good luck to you all and I hope you have a great week battling in Splinterlands! I will see you all on the battlefield!

Telegram Stats:

Facebook Page Stats:

Facebook Group Stats:


Splinterlands Discord HERE

Facebook GroupHERE

Splinterlands Official Facebook Page HERE

Splinterlands Telegram HERE

Immortal Gods IG - HERE

YouTube Splinterlands Content - HERE

Splinterlands 3Speak Community - HERE

Splinterlands Dtube Content - HERE

I wish you luck in your battles and daily quest rewards!

I will see you all on the battlefield!

May the Monsters be with you.

Chris Love @clove71

Splinterlands Rep.



CUTE!! LOL! So true too hahaha!!!

Good luck in the contest!!

The Lord has Spoken.

Good luck in the contest!!

I am reborn!

NICE!! You are entered, good luck to you!!


I love it, so true

YES!! This is too funny, I love it!! So true too! You gotta be careful where you place that chicken with AOL! You are entered into the contest and good luck!


LOL!!! YES! I love this- so funny!! LOL! That is how Lord A looks like too- like so what I got this, lol!! Good luck in the contest!!

Love your awesome giveaways Clove! And I can't resist joining this one because it's the mighty Lord A lol So here is my entry.

HAHAHAHA!!! I am laughing out loud no joke!! I LOVE this!!

OMG I keep forgetting that Telegram exists lolol

Bring this into Telegram for a DEC tip!!!!!

Good luck to you!!!

Self-control is not for everyone xD

Good luck to you in the contest!!

Эрик Картмен.jpg

LOOOOL!!! YES!!! I feel the same way, haha!! Good luck to you!

Here is my entry...
Picture Source
Picture Source

YESSS!!! I Love this! Too funny!
084 - Air Elemental (650px, 5fps).gif

!giphy sea monster

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

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