Did you know? #5 - The Bermuda Triangle

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

The Bermuda Triangle: The Legend vs The Truth.

Down and eastwards of Florida in the Atlantic Ocean lies one of the world’s biggest head-scratchers: The Bermuda Triangle. It’s a region that is so mysterious that it’s had physicists, paranormal researchers, and marine biologists alike
completely puzzled as to what exactly it is, precisely how large it is, and why the Bermuda Triangle behaves in the way that it does.

As with any natural wonders, there are many stories circulating. In this article, we’ll explore the legends and stack it against the hard evidence that’s been provided about it thus far.

Photo source: Pixabay

The Legend

The Bermuda Triangle calls the space between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico home. While the exact threshold of where it ends and begins has been known to stretch and contract over the seasons and years, it’s a certainly
an area that no one, no matter how brave, would ever want to journey through. During the course of the past five hundred years, there have been upwards of a thousand aircrafts, boats, and humans combined that have gone missing when travelling through this area.

These things have literally not been able to be recovered to date without any type of plausible explanation made available. While there are a plethora of disappearance stories that are circulated, of the most famous cases about the Bermuda Triangle is that of the the Ellen Austin. The Ellen Austin was an enormous ship that regularly moved cargo from London to New York in the 1850s. On one of these regular trips it was taking, the crew saw another ship that was
moving along very quickly and smoothly.

The crew of the Ellen Austin had even remarked about how well the other ship was sailing. However, once the crew of
the Ellen Austin approached the swiftly moving ship, it was much to their dismay that there was no one aboard it.
The captain on the Ellen Austin then selected the very best of his seamen to go on board of this mystery ship and ensure that it gets to New York along with them. Unfortunately, en route to New York, the two ships were ripped apart by a thunderstorm.

Awhile later, though, the ship was recovered again by the Ellen Austin sailing smoothly as if there were people guiding it. The Captain once more sent people from his crew over to investigate and they found that once again, there was no one guiding this ship even though it appeared as such and attempted to guide it along with them again.
Within a few days, the ship vanished out of thin air.

This time, there was no storm to blame, and it was in the area known as The Bermuda Triangle. It’s believed that the mystery ship was sailing within it, while the Ellen Austin was safely on the outside of the paranormal threshold.

Another story of equal fame and oddity is that of Amelia Earheart. While she is known as the first female to make a solo flight over the Atlantic Ocean, she, as well as her plane went missing and were never retraced to this date. She had made a radio call as she was nearing the area of The Bermuda Triangle stating that she was getting low on gas and that her
compass was beginning to move erratically. She seemingly entered The Bermuda Triangle within moments of making that radio call, and she, along with her plane became undetectable on radar.

To this date, the body of Amelia Earheart as well has her plane have never been recovered. These, along with other disappearances by way of The Bermuda Triangle, or The Devil’s Triangle are blamed on everything from extraterrestrial abductions to being an actual portal to hell where Satan himself sucks anyone who dares cross his doorway, downwards. Forever.

The Facts Behind the Legend

Scientists have wracked their brains to try and find a definitive explanation for this. The main one that they’ve been able to give is the fact that the area in which The Bermuda Triangle is located is an area that frequently experiences violent tropical storms.

This could result in humans, along with their planes or ships being spewed hundreds of miles away from the area in which they were sailing or flying. Pairing these storms with that of The Gulf Stream (which is essentially a river flowing
through an ocean with it’s own current), and you could find that many things apparently vanish, when in actuality, they’ve over a thousand miles away—way out of the radius of most searches that have been performed.

As for the compasses going haywire, the area has been thoroughly scanned for magnetic anomalies, and none have been able to be produced. This is something that has researchers entirely stumped.

Methane hydrate have been found in the Atlantic Ocean. Methane hydrate is a natural gas that can form from underwater volcanoes and these can have detrimental effects on the water being able to support ships or anything else that needs to remain buoyant. This could explain the vanishings of entire ships.

We already know that the ocean itself is an area that has over 50% left to be discovered as it runs too deeply. It is theorized that the ocean floor may be where some of the ships and people are. All in all, it’s an area that I would steer as clear as possible from unless you are properly equipped with highly educated researchers. These disappearances are still happening in the present times, and the risk of disappearing, whether by means of alien abduction, Satan himself, or natural gas, is too much for those who are not properly equipped.

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