Important lessons I learnt from life

in #busy6 years ago
  • Make a keystone habit
    There’s a fantastic book called “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg. He talks about how many habits are usually tied to a single habit that they build on. For example, making our bed everyday usually evolves into a larger habit of keeping our room tidy and putting things back where we left them.

  • Another keystone habit is exercising regularly. Maintaining a regular fitness schedule typically leads to healthier diets, higher levels of focus, and feeling less stressed.

  • Only you can decide what’s possible
    One thing I’ve observed that all highly successful individuals have in common is that they’re the ones who determine the limit. They don’t give up and take no for an answer. At obstacles I would usually stop or give up on they think of creative ways to push past them. The right mixture of determination, persistence, questioning, and problem solving can make us go further then we thought possible.

If you follow advice from the 99%, you’ll become like the 99%
This one resonates with me because it’s easy to get swept up in the pace of life.

  • Everyday we’re consciously and subconsciously influenced by the opinions of the people around us. I’ve learned to stop listening to what the majority has to say, because I don’t want to be like the majority. It’s the people who stay true to themselves to bring something unique to the table that stand out.

  • Life is too short to live it by other people’s standards
    One of my earliest mentors told me this and I’ve taken it to heart ever since. While assessing where we’re at in life can serve as fuel to push ourselves to the next plateau, it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race. The problem is that we often end up investing tons of energy to appear successful at whatever it do whether it be school, work, or personal hobbies. Doing things for our own sake instead of thinking of others liberates us from this mentality.

  • A ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for
    There’s a lot to experience out there and staying within our comfort zones robs ourselves of that opportunity. Pushing myself out of my safe zone was scary at first but blew away tons of my self-limiting beliefs. I ended up learning so much more about myself and what I was capable of when I started embracing change.

The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.

--Mark Zuckerberg

  • Usually we already know what to do, the issue is actually doing it
    Hustling takes persistence. Everyone has dreams they want to aim for, but not everyone has what it takes to make it happen! I’ve found that most of the time we already know what to do next. The hard part is making ourselves take that step. Rarely is the problem what should I do next, but rather how can I make myself do it?

  • Create a personal motto
    One of the neatest tricks that’s had a powerful impact on me is creating a personal motto. I placed my motto in places I frequent: the door exiting my room, against the wall of my office space, and next to the mirror in my bathroom. I try to remember, breathe and live this motto. I think we often cage ourselves with limiting beliefs. By constantly reminding ourselves of our aspirations we can break free of these mental restraints.

Thanks for reading. If you like what you see feel free to follow me on Quora. I’m also open to any direct messages for feedback, thoughts, and suggestions.

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