Poor people make money before talking about love.

in #love6 years ago


Poor men do not hurry, always worry about earning money. At that time love is not late, if you think that in life love is the most important. Money is just fleeting. Agreed love in this life is indispensable, but to survive, to live can not just love is finished.

When love, rich men and poor men are different?

Rich man often said to his girl: "Get me then, I do not worry about rice money, I worry for you now," and the poor man is only "good talk", full making promises about the future.

  • I'm just a poor guy, but I'm definitely going to make you happy.

Excuse me, you said that I was smacking my face. There is no money that you can make your woman happy. True but the real time, no time to scrape the land to eat only, then "rice rice money" then he turned to say "I regret for taking her." The regret is not you, but the woman. There are many girls when love blindly, know poor boyfriend, work now is that tomorrow, so did not have the will to progress. When the money to repay his parents when he painted a happy future full of life, just stabbed his head like a devil.

To be a woman, you have to remember when you love and after marriage, as well as in paradise that must set foot in hell. Remove the point of view "Although poor but still happy" go. It's just cheating on myself, no one is poor and calling me happy. Suffering no money to buy drugs is happy? Or just say her husband "I will be okay" then the disease will cease. Love is love but what is real must be clear.

Women sure if her lover does not have a job, do not make money, can not guarantee her stable future, do you love him anymore?

Make sure the woman is strong to say yes. Do not think to choose the rich man to send life is wrong, is being cursed pragmatic. Already a woman is allowed to choose the rich man to take, to enjoy the happy life. People say:

  • Women who marry poor husbands are guilty of three generations.

The first three generations are the poor you are doing yourself, the second is the suffering of your parents, and the last is the suffering of your child. So if there is a poor man saying love, promising ambiguous future, then declare straight.

  • I do not have enough money to love you.

Read here how many men, especially the poor guy also jumped up that cursing women is kind of pragmatic hám this. But accept the reality, obviously it is important for girls to get married rich.

Poor men do not hurry, always worry about earning money. At that time love is not late, if you think that in life love is the most important. Money is just fleeting. Agreed love in this life is indispensable, but to survive, to live can not just love is finished. Times are just steps that need money, but you are poor, work is not good but love to do what the girls suffering.

When people criticize him poor, he curses the woman is cheap. But you are the man is not capable and thinking, because there is no new poor forever. So in summary is the poor man is drilled please love, focus on the career first, then love her and then the wedding is not over? Love is important, money is also important, life must have both to call it beautiful life.

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