Nobody Reads for Free, The Upvote Problem, Plus, my Most Embarrassing Childhood Moment!

in #writing6 years ago

When I was in the sixth grade, I did the worst thing I've ever been caught doing.

And I'm going to tell you all about it, but first, I feel like there are some things that need to be said tonight. Yeah, I already said some of it in this post here, but there's more.

I'm aware that what I'm about to say may not be popular. It may piss some people off and that's not my intent, but I don't care either. Because, if you're engaging in the behavior I'm talking about, then I'm pissed at you. So, there.

We come here to do something different than is being done in "state run" societies, to experiment with anarchy and self rule. Right?

But, it's hard to get the brainwashing out. So, we come here, and mostly, we act a lot like we do out there. We look for heroes, other people to lift us up, give us meaning and give us security. It's human nature.

When this platform started, it wasn't quite like this.

Early on, I was a lurker. I signed up, but didn't do much, and still haven't really. But, I've been watching. I'm a student of people and I've noticed somethings.

It seems that some of the initial altruism has worn off and profit taking is now applauded. It seems we're not as interested in quality content and building something as we are in stacking coins.

We have such a huge opportunity here, to engage in cultures from around the world, but instead, we come here and we play. We look for the easy way, just like we do out there in the state run world. But, here's the problem.

There is no room for lazy anarchists.

If we want a world that is more free than the one we have now, we can't keep running it the same way. In a world without a huge central power, each man will need to be able to hold his own as equal. It should be that way here.

But, instead, we're content to take small winnings, and give the big prizes to those who deal in volume.

*Where it really bothers me though is in one statistic. I find that on my posts, and the posts of others, there are often many times more views than votes, while other posts have votes, but no views."

This indicates to me that people are reading what they find valuable, but voting for what will give them a return, and that's where my story comes in.

It was a Saturday in May

I'd gone to my buddy Jason's house to play on his dad's TI-99. We wrote choice adventure games in basic, recording them to a cassette deck. Then, we'd take our new episodes to school, where we had a commodore 64 in the math lab, where kids would play the games we created.

Yep, kids, I'm so OLD if we wanted to play computer games, we had to write them for ourselves, and we LIKED it!

On this particular day, we were interrupted. His dad needed the computer to complete work for his teaching in the Veterinary school at Kansas State University, so he handed us $5 and sent us to the Sak n' Pak for slushes and beef jerkey.

It was a warm day, so we stood inside the store, soaking up the AC before heading back.

"Hey lets look at magazines," Jason said.

I agreed and we headed to the back, where the magazine rack was, by the men's room. I grabbed a Mad Magazine, he grabbed Sports Illustrated. After about five minutes reading, he had another suggestion.

"Hey, you ever look at those?" he asked, eying the men's mags on the top shelf.

Now, back in the day, they didn't put them in plastic wrappers, so, you could read any magazine without paying, provided the owner didn't get mad.

I said, no that sounded like a bad idea. I was a preacher's kid. It wasn't like I'd never seen one, but in public?

He grabbed a copy of Penthouse letters, a smaller gazette, mostly writing. (dirty stories, we weren't reading for the articles) and tucked it in the pages of his SI. So, I did the same with another smaller magazine and we sat on two milk crates,finishing our slushes and enjoying illicit entertainment.

"Hey! I see what you're doing!"

She looked like somebody's mom, but not the store manager. We weren't too worried.

"Reading Mad magazine?" I suggested.

She raised her chin to where a round security mirror dangled directly over our heads and said, "Disgusting. Someone should tell your parents."

The dirty magazines we'd hidden so neatly, were clearly visible.

We stood up and put the magazines back on the shelf and turning beet red, made our way out of the store as quickly as possible.

"You gonna pay for that?" the owner of the store asked? He always reminded me of a slightly taller Danny Devito. He had on a white wifebeater T and a gold medallion around his neck. The ash on his cigarette seemed to defy gravity it was so long.

"Uh, we paid before," Jason said, holding up his receipt.

"For the magazines you was mauling, back there," the man said. He pointed to a sign on the counter.

No one reads magazines or comics for free! Mgmt

Jason sighed and dropped the rest of the money on the counter, a full $3.

"Keep your money kid, but I see you do that again, and next time you're in here with your mom, I'll make her buy 'em, and I'll be sure to tell her which ones, capiche?"

It was the one and only time anyone ever seriously said that word to me. But it sunk in. Then he turned to me.

"You're that preacher's kid. Don't think I don't know. You too get out a my store, gettin' caught like that could get me in trouble," he said.

I swallowed hard. We ran the seven blocks to his house without stopping, sure the woman had already called the cops and our parents would know.

We never spoke about it again.

But, the lesson stuck with me. If you're going to take advantage of things, or people in life, be prepared to pay the price. We clearly weren't.

So what does that have to do with steemit?

I'm glad you asked.

If you're commenting and reading content you enjoy, upvote it!

Conversely, if your upvoting content you don't read, stop it!

If you just sell your votes, you've got no idea what you're supporting. And it's not fair to give supportive comments, and even empty 1% votes to an author whose content genuinely helps you, while saving your vote power for a post that will earn you more curation rewards. It's not right. No one reads for free.


wow, two posts in a day... how can you do that? and these posts are fairly long!

Excellent written article @steemgobling. You are a good storyteller . And coming from a fellow storyteller like myself, I really appreciate that :)

And I totally agree. I cannot understand for the life of me some of the schemes here where organized groups go through a whole Tag and just blindly Upvote everything.( #vincentb is one that comes to mind)

We need to strongly discourage this. Thanks again for the entertaining Post :)

Don't waste your time discouraging anything. Encourage good behavior.

Don't waste your time discouraging anything. Encourage good behavior.

That sounds nice in a fairytale dream. But it's just not reality. Sometimes you have NO choice but to put the brakes on abusers. And then use that example to let others know this is not the path to take .... a.k.a being Discouraging .
Actually Discouraging can be more productive that JUST Encouraging good behavior.

When all you do is JUST encourage good behavior you tend to minimize the damage the abusers are doing.

So you need to address the problem, voice your concerns, rectify it, and Discourage others from doing it. And finally Encourage them to do the right thing.

Pretty simple process, actually :)

We're not talking about people being beaten. There aren't even any "rules" being broken. No one is being coerced into it. So, no, I don't think much discouragement is required. It just brings a lot of negative attention. If what you mean by "discourage" is put up a post calling it out, okay, but what I've seen is downflagging campaigns, which waste voting power that could be used to support better content, with the same effect. And , so you know, that came across as horribly condescending.

It just brings a lot of negative attention. If what you mean by "discourage" is put up a post calling it out, okay,

Yep, that is exactly what I meant as well discussing it in Comments section.
I don't use the Flagging thing. So I am not talking about that at all

And , so you know, that came across as horribly condescending.

Uhmm.. Writing a Comment congratulating you,complementing you ,and agreeing with you and telling thanks for your post ( as I did) ... only met with this response from you

Don't waste your time discouraging anything. Encourage good behavior.

...could be construed as "condescending" as well ( not horrible though let's don't be a drama queen ;)

People here at Steemit should have a little more humility and graciousness. Not asking for an Upvote or anything but just a simple ' Thanks'. But hey whatever floats your boat. I ain't your mother lol

You know that saying "Do unto other as you want them to do unto you" :)

You have just read my mind, was wondering why some.of my posts had less views and more votes how? You get afew who vote for the value they receive from your posts, they engage by effectively commenting.

Some people just upvote because they see it's you and they like you. Some of them may be bots votings for specific terms, like your sustainability stuff.

very odd
I generally have two or three times more voters than I do 'views'.

So, what you're saying is, you're getting your votes from bots, not readers. So, your advice becomes even less relevant.

bye now..

Sorry, was that you disagreeing? because your voters are not reading your content, but then you're trying to teach people how to "communicate" hmmmm, okaaayyy.

you're right...I'm wrong.
go thou forth and tell the masses.
if they do as you say then it'll be peachy keen..

(for me...mwahahahahahah)

Yeah, well, or you could drag them down into the mines, but here's what you're missing. Unless they ALREADY have more than 100 SP, or can rent it. THEY CAN'T POST 20 TIMES A DAY! It's a horrible model. And, in 60 days, when my earnings are higher than yours, I'll remind you of it. Have a good time.

I totally agree with you, thanks for 'putting it out there' in real language. I had to giggle at the magazine story, but as you say, a lesson learned.

Thank you. Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing.

I had a similar childhood experience. Only it was sneaking into a movie ... without paying.

Never tried that one. Never really had the chance I guess. By the time I was old to do that on my own we lived in places where the movies were too far from my house to make it a trip my parents would let me make on my own and by the time I was driving I was making good money for a kid.

Correct! That was the reality. And we are hoping that other people will notice that it's not about the upvote, it's about what inside of the content to learn more.

I appreciate what you said here @steemgoblin... Well done!

well, that's a nice thought, but let's get real, if any of us just wanted a place to blog and didn't care about the payouts, we wouldn't be here. So, it's not quite that simple.

I agree... Hehehe...
But It is better to feel that there is a person leaving a message then after with upvote. Is it great?! (^_^)

hey great article...I agree with you

Thanks, winning hearts and minds is our best weapon.

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