The Thought of WW-3

Its seems to be too early to question the outbreak of World War 3.
Looking how the world is dividing into different groups , soon after the Pandemic spread, we can have a higher probability. However, The spark was already ignited earlier in the year. The assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani had triggered a wide protest against President Donald Trump regime in Iran and other cities of Islamic republic.

Now world's two super power economy China & USA have started verbal argument and blame game on each other over the COVID-19.


Before we go in deep of the ongoing crisis and what led me to put up the question, let first understand the causes of first and second world war.

First World War (1914-1919)

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914, triggered a chain of events that resulted in World War 1. The world get divided into two groups.

Britain, France, Ireland and Russia comes to known as Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria, Hungary formed another group and known as the Central Powers.

After the assassination of Archduke Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia with the backing of Germany. Germany then declared war on Russia and then on France. Slowly the whole world started burning get into devastation path.

World War 2 (1939-1945)

Many would refer the war as Hitler's war. While some belive the war was a continuation, of the disputes left unsettled by World War I.

Again the world get divided into parts. the Axis powers comprising of Germany, Italy, and Japan and the Allies Forced comprises of France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union,and,China.

It was the battle of superamacy and Hitler's intention to invade Poland to expand his empire, which brought the while world into verge of extinction as there were heavy casualities.

World War 3 Prospect.

As we are trying to get over the deadly Pandemic that has spread across the globe. We started to get different opinions and war of words already started.

Through the different flashing NEWS USA,UK,France,Italy and many European countries hailing China responsible for virus spread and hiding the truth from the World. While, China is getting silent support from Russia, Pakistan, North Korea and other Asian country whom China helped (Srilanka,Maldives, Singapore etc). While Iran and other Islamic cities alreadyy have the grudge unsettled with USA.

The temperature is quite high of getting into the war as the world already have difference of opinion.

Also there is major concern and question raised upon the inferior PPE kit supplied by China to different countries.


We already seeing the hatednes slowly spreading like the virus. Right now everyone is fighting to get over the Pandemic, however, once the affected countries get back to normalcy, they will definately try to get the score settled over the number of losses. (that my take). The group already formed somewhere, and we are sitting on top Time Bomb which can explode anytime.

Stay Home...Stay Safe !!

Namaste @steemflow

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