Steem Adventure Vol. 0 - wherein we try something new and exciting!

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Hello, everyone!

So... what is going on up in this post? Very simply put, we're going to try an experiment. And by reading, you become part of this experiment. For, in a bout of drunken bravery, I have committed to creating, curating and updating the first* Steem CYOA!

A CYOA is an acronym; it stands for Choose Your Own Adventure. Like, did you ever read those books when you were a kid where at the bottom of the page, it was like:

If you talk to Mr. Skeltal, go to page 9

If you run away from the spooky scary skeleton, go to page 58

That's an old-school CYOA. We're going to do things a bit differently: we're going to make everything up as we go along!

This means you, the reader, get to vote on what happens as it's happening! I'm going to try to stick to a once-a-week posting schedule, where every Sunday night you get some hot, fresh content, and get to vote on one of the multiple-choice options throughout the week. By Saturday morning, polling is closed - and I'll get to work on the next update!

I have no idea how long this will last, or where y'all will take it. But I can guarantee it'll be lighthearted, filled with shenanigans, and a treat to read. So, without further ado, let's get to our first vote!

For this story, would you like to see it as a:

(1) High Fantasy Setting: Think along the lines of Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons, Tim the Enchanter - the realm of adventure and lore! Our MC will be... someone, potentially! It all depends on how they want to make a name for themselves...

(2) Noir City Setting: Think along the lines of traditional gumshoe, Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, The Naked Gun - cigarettes, dames, and a main character who just can't catch a break.

(3) Techno-Future Setting: Cyberjack into the Matrix to download your holovids! Think along the lines of Star Trek, Star Wars - sure, but also Shadowrun, Bladerunner, Spaceballs - A scrappy hero babbling in half-code, trying to make his way among the stars.

And for our plot, would you like a:

(A) AAAAAADVENTURE! Find the mythical MacGuffin, Defeat the Dreaded BadBoss, Save the Kingdom/City/Universe!

(B) Slice of Life: Not everyone can be a hero! Sometimes you just gotta run a tavern, or a holo-porn shop, or maybe it's about time to quit the whole detective business and go into making poodle shirts. Yeah...

(C) Mystery~!: The Prince has gone missing, the letter "e" has b--n d-l-t-d from the hyp-rw-b, or maybe a lady in a little red dress needs to find the man with the emerald tie. 

IF you'd like to vote, just combine your answer. So, for example maybe I want a HIGH ADVENTURE MYSTERY! I'd post


and that'd be my vote. I'll do a loose tally next Saturday (9/3) and we'll begin!

Good luck, happy hunting, and remember to tell yourself: It's only a game. 

-The DM

*first to my knowledge, at least


You... I like you. You can come to my castle, put on my robes and wizard hat anytime.

I'm all about 1a :)

1A! 1A! C'thulu F'tagn!

hehehehe :P


Unique and fun idea!

Wooo! First vote for the FUTURE.

I was waiting for someone to mention 3a :P

Got our attention when you said sort of like dungeon and dragons

So what's your vote then? Inquiring minds want to know!

This is the future right here folks :-)

oh dear. Y'all know 1C was just an example, right? Y-you don't have to have goblins solving mysteries...

Lol...I was wondering about that ?

Yeah. You don't have to all vote 1C. Vote whatever you want!

lol I amend it to 1a.

I do understand. It was my choice. 👍

3C is looking super nice and fun. I want to zoooooooom around in a space ship solving solving mysteries about the missing space soup.

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