Red Hand Day - February 12 #documentary by EK Pabel

in Ukraine on Steem2 years ago



Red Hand Day

Red Hand Day is an annual observance recognized globally on February 12th. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about the use of child soldiers in armed conflicts and to call for the immediate end to this practice. The day was established by the international non-government organization, War Child, in 2002, as part of its efforts to bring about an end to the use of child soldiers.

Child Soldiers

Child soldiers are defined as any individual under the age of 18 who is recruited or used by an armed force or armed group in any capacity. This includes children who are used as fighters, cooks, porters, spies, or even as human shields. The use of child soldiers is a violation of international law and it is estimated that there are currently over 300,000 children being used in armed conflicts around the world.

The Red Hand Campaign

The Red Hand Day campaign was created to bring global attention to the plight of child soldiers and to mobilize people everywhere to take action to end this practice. The red hand symbolizes the innocent blood shed by these children and serves as a powerful reminder that the world must take action to protect them.

Root Causes

The use of child soldiers is a complex issue that is deeply rooted in poverty, lack of education, and political instability. In many conflict-affected countries, children are often recruited or abducted from their homes and forced to fight in the war. They are subjected to horrific physical and psychological abuse and are denied their basic human rights. They are also denied access to education, healthcare, and other essential services, making it difficult for them to reintegrate into society once the conflict is over.


The impact of child soldiering extends far beyond the children themselves. It also affects their families and communities, who are often forced to live in fear and insecurity. The use of child soldiers undermines the stability of entire nations and perpetuates the cycle of violence and conflict.

Efforts to End Child Soldiering

Despite the enormity of this problem, there are many organizations working to end the use of child soldiers and to support those who have been affected. War Child is just one of many organizations working to bring an end to this practice and to provide support to former child soldiers.

Ways to Get Involved

The Red Hand Day campaign is just one of the many ways that people can get involved and help bring an end to the use of child soldiers. There are many other ways to get involved, including:

  • Donating to organizations working to end this practice
  • Speaking out against the use of child soldiers
  • Supporting programs that provide education and other essential services to former child soldiers.


In conclusion, Red Hand Day serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing use of child soldiers in armed conflicts and the need for the world to take action to end this practice. It is an opportunity for people everywhere to come together and stand in solidarity with children affected by war and to call for a future where children are protected from harm and are able to live in peace and security. The world must come together to ensure that no child is ever forced to take up arms and to work towards a future where all children are able to live their lives free from violence and exploitation.

What is the benefit of celebrating this day?

Celebrating Red Hand Day has a number of benefits, both in terms of raising awareness about the issue of child soldiers and in terms of taking concrete action to end this practice. Some of the benefits of celebrating this day include:

  1. Raising Awareness: Red Hand Day serves as an opportunity to bring global attention to the issue of child soldiers and to educate people about the impact of this practice on children and communities. By shining a spotlight on this issue, the day helps to increase public understanding of the problem and to generate support for efforts to end the use of child soldiers.

  2. Mobilizing Action: The Red Hand Day campaign is a call to action, encouraging people to take action to end the use of child soldiers and to support former child soldiers. By participating in the campaign, individuals can help to create a groundswell of support for change and to bring attention to the issue.

  3. Building Solidarity: Red Hand Day brings people together from around the world to stand in solidarity with children affected by war. It provides an opportunity for people to come together and show their support for a future where all children are able to live their lives free from violence and exploitation.

  4. Supporting Organizations: Red Hand Day provides an opportunity to support organizations that are working to end the use of child soldiers and to provide support to former child soldiers. By donating to these organizations, individuals can help to provide the resources and support needed to continue their vital work.

  5. Advocating for Change: Red Hand Day provides an opportunity to advocate for change, calling on governments and other actors to take action to end the use of child soldiers and to provide support to former child soldiers. By using the day to voice their concerns and to call for change, individuals can help to bring about lasting change and to protect children from harm.

Overall, Red Hand Day serves as an important reminder of the ongoing issue of child soldiers and the need for action to end this practice. By celebrating this day, individuals can help to raise awareness, mobilize action, build solidarity, support organizations, and advocate for change, ultimately working towards a future where all children are protected from harm and are able to live in peace and security.

The End


From today I will try to make written documentaries about each special day.
How is it?I want to know from everyone....

Especially my favorite - @olesia @antorv @dmitrik @ukraine-steem @strecoza @andrea.boji @ajay27 @dorismos

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