The Diary Game: Chapter 12- Yoga Mudra ReikisteemCreated with Sketch.

in Healthy Steemlast year

What a wonderful day I am having. I received my reiki grand master attunement this morning. I feel absolutely wonderful.

We have just entered Libra season. Libra, the sign of relationships, is all about love and connections so that is what I will be focusing on this season.



In tarot, libra rules the “Justice” card, and can indicate marriage. This is the perfect time for singles to manifest their divine counterpart. My room has become a candle lit vigil to divine masculine. The man better get his act together, and show up soon 😑

I have selected pink candles infused with rose oil for this season. They are very pretty.


The crystals I am working this season will be:

Carnelian- For passion
Orange Calcite- For pleasure
Rose Quartz- For love
Strawberry Quartz- To draw in your soulmate

This week I will start teaching yoga Mudra reiki. I even bought some unique, and beautifully crafted saaris to do my livestreams in.

Yoga Mudra reiki is very good for balancing your energy centers, or, chakras. There are 7 main energy centers in the body, along with mini energy centers throughout the body, and 5 additional energy centers outside of the body. Energy is constantly flowing throughout the body. If one of these energy centers becomes blocked or overactive, then the energy will not flow properly, causing emotional and physical disharmony.

In yoga mudra reiki, we work with the “prana” or “life force energy” to bring these energy centers into balance, through a series of hand symbols, or, mudras.

First we start with the root chakra, or, the muladhara chakra. The muladhara is located at the base of the spine and governs your skeletal structure. It is represented by the color red. A balanced root chakra will present itself as someone having good self control, who feels satiated with life, and who feels safe and secure. The root chakra mudra is known as the gyan mudra. We start at the root to insure we are properly grounded throughout this process. We use both hands for all of the mudras.


The root chakra mudra is formed by touching the tips of your thumbs to the tips of your index fingers and fanning out the rest of the fingers.

We then move up to our sacral chakra, or svadhistana. The svadhistana is located in the lower abdomen and is connected to the reproductive organs, prostate, bladder and circulatory system. Its corresponding color is orange. A balanced svadhistana will present itself as someone who practices healthy sexuality, who is emotionally stable, and who is in touch with their desires.

The sacral chakra mudra is known as the shakti mudra.


The shakti mudra is performed by tucking the thumbs under the index and middle fingers, interlocking the index and middle fingers, while touching the tips of the ring and pinky fingers.

We then move up to the solar plexus chakra, or, the manipura. The manipura is located between the naval and the base of the sternum. Its physical connection is is the digestive system and the muscles. It is represented with the color yellow and governs your personal power. A healthy solar plexus chakra manifests as someone with healthy self esteem and healthy ego.

The solar plexus chakra mudra is also known as the rudra mudra.


The rudra mudra is performed by touching the tip of your thumb to the tips of your index and ring fingers, while keeping your middle and pinky fingers erect.

From here we move up to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is also called anahata. It is located in the center of the chest and represented by the color green. Its physical connection is the heart, chest and lungs. It governs our emotional body. A healthy heart chakra will manifest as someone who can forgive easily, who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable, someone who is comfortable with intimacy and love, and someone who is compassionate.

The heart chakra mudra is also known as the lotus mudra.


The lotus mudra is formed by connecting both thumbs and pinky’s together, and using the rest of the fingers to make a cup shape. We hold this mudra up to our heart chakra.

We then work our way up to the throat chakra. Also known as vishuddha, the throat chakra is represented by the color blue and is located at the base of the neck. Its physical connections are the throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth and neck. A healthy throat chakra will manifest as someone who is expressive and practices healthy communication.

The throat chakra mudra is also known as the granthita mudra.


This mudra is performed by making two intertwined loops using the thumb and index fingers, then interlocking all of the other fingers.

Then we move up to the third eye, or, ajna, chakra. Located right above and in between the eyebrows, the ajna is represented by the color indigo. The ajna physically connects to the eyes, skull and pituitary glands. Governing the intuition and reasoning, a healthy ajna will manifest as someone who can tap into their intuitive abilities with ease. This person trusts their instincts.

The ajna mudra is also known as kalesvara mudra.


This mudra is performed by making a hand heart using your thumb, index, ring and pinky fingers while keeping the middle fingers erect, with the tips touching.

We may then move on to the final and most powerful mudra. Linked to the crown chakra, or sahasrara, the mahamayuri mudra is the most powerful mudra. If you remember any mudra, it should be this one. With the crown chakra mudra, you allow the prana into the crown chakra, where it can then flow to wherever it is needed. This is good to know if you can tell there is an imbalance, but don’t know where the imbalance resides, or if you are short on time. The crown chakra is located at the apex of the skull. Its physical connection is to the cerebral cortex, upper skull and the skin. Its corresponding colors are violet (most common) white and gold. This governs a persons spirituality and understanding. A healthy sahasrara will manifest as someone who is spiritually inclined, and is receptive to divine downloads.


The crown chakra mudra is performed by interlocking the index, middle and ring fingers while keeping the pinky’s erect and touching. The thumbs can be placed comfortably on the index fingers while touching each other.


Reiki is in no way meant to replace traditional medicine. I aim to facilitate mental, physical, and emotional healing through a series of techniques that target the energetic root of the problem. This is how reiki works. Reiki can never cause someone harm. You are always safe throughout my healing sessions.

Through relaxation and mindfulness, the human body’s natural healing processes are strengthened and accelerated.

I will be offering level one attunements for yoga mudra reiki on my TikTok channel for $11.11. This week I am asking for the collective to contribute to buying me a baby yoda doll to perform the distance attunements on. In the star wars films and series, there is grandmaster yoda and baby yoda. I think it will be very symbolic (and funny) for me, a grandmaster, to be passing the force on to a baby yoda. My ability to get people hyped for this, will determine whether I get the doll this week.

In the meantime, grandmaster is an accomplishment so I got myself some of my favorite tacos.



They are called birria tacos and are very tasty. They are made from stewed beef and cheese. They come with a dipping sauce known as consommé.

I also like how my make up looks today.

Alright friends. That is all for now.

May the force be with you.



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