Better Than Any Restaurant: Mom's Cooking 秀秀我家大厨的手艺,据说比餐馆做的都要好吃

in #cn7 years ago

There are many reasons why we think mom's food taste the best, such as because we get used to mom's food, because mom prepares food with love and efforts. Well for my mom's case, every time after we finish the food, she will force us to admit it taste delicious and compare to the restaurant we have been to, then come to a conclusion that her cooking is better. Therefore, I am probably brainwashed to think her cooking IS better than any restaurant.

Last Sunday, as usual, we went to my parents for lunch, I decided to take some photos and present our confident chef with her awesome culinary work. No kidding.

经常有人说外面餐馆再怎么吃,都不如自己妈妈简简单单的一顿饭来的合胃口。毕竟我们就是吃着这口饭长大的,最熟悉的味道自然是最好吃的味道。放我们家,情况可能有点不同。在我们家吃完饭一项标准流程是:在我妈的威逼利诱下,我们必须交口称赞好吃, 然后必然要跟最近去过的餐馆比较有多好吃,久而久之这套洗脑大法功力深厚,来我们家吃过饭的无一不称赞我妈做的一手好菜。


Roast potatoes just came out of oven, smelled great.

With Montreal steak seasoning

When I arrive, she almost finished all the dishes except the most important: fresh crab

Boiled crab with green unions, beer and soy sauce.

Paired with wine

Fish soup for appetizer

Rib stew

Veggies: loofa and mushroom

Dessert: Bean soup with peanut, blueberry and medlar
夏日特饮? 八宝粥


I never got to meet my mother, thanks to @lordvader

some delicious looking food there!

Yup home sweet home :)

delicious all food Waaaaoooo xD

Yh......dat is really true. Mum food is better than resturant trust me

Hm . . . .

Yup nothing is better then mom cooking I'm loving my mom cooking keep sharing man wonderful post and great pictures :)

My mothers cooking is always No.1 in my book....

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