in #news7 years ago

Lighthouse is a tower with a light source dipuncaknya to help navigate the ships, ancient light source in the past is the fire, then experienced the development by using lights and lenses. Lighthouses are usually used to mark dangerous areas, such as corals and shallow sea areas. Along with technological advances, lighthouses began to use automated equipment which meant the lighthouse keepers were beginning to be abandoned, but in some places, especially in Indonesia, there are still many lighthouses still using human guards, of course there are many interesting facts about the guards of the lighthouse.
Some Facts About The Lighthouse Keeper

  1. Number of Keepers
    There is no definite provision how many guards that must exist, it's just usually related agencies make a policy so that guard at least 2 people or more than 2 people. This is to facilitate the division of tasks and set the schedule "homecoming" for the guards.

  2. Away From Family and Friends
    Every job is at risk, for the lighthouse keepers, the greatest risk is away from family, friends and neighbors. Bringing the family to be done, but kasian children wife if they have to live in the middle of the sea and away from access to education, entertainment and people. So to say on the quiet deck, making the wind and the sound of the waves and the singing of seabirds is commonplace for the lighthouse keepers, for them, they are all true friends.

  3. Routine Work
    As a lighthouse keeper, the routine work of the workers is of course to control the timing of lighting up the light source, usually the light source will start at 18.00 until 06.00, besides the guards also have to keep control of tower condition, light source and power source generator.

4.Fill the Day
Because of its remote and remote location, there is not much that lighthouse keepers can do for the day, if there are fishermen or tourists coming by, for them it is a great boon to be chatting with them, but if not, fishing, daydreaming , sleep or clean-up is a routine job done, Radio and television (if signal exists) is also an alternative entertainment as well as a means to know the development of the world out there.

  1. Special Expertise
    In addition to being able to adapt to a quiet environment, lighthouse keepers must have special skills that must be brave to be altitude (if doing regular checks on the light source and tower building) and mastering the basics of electronics and machinery, they should be able to make improvements quickly if there is damage to the light source and the power plant. It would be very dangerous if it can not be dealt with immediately.

6.Should Save and Careful
Because the location is far from the crowds, let alone the shopping center, then automatically what they have must be saved its use, the main thing is the food, usually the guards will have food stock for several months, if there is a "homecoming" then it will be his duty to bring food stock. While the fuel for the engine is usually already there own supply every month from relevant agencies ..

  1. High Solidarity and Danger Threats
    Because of the same fate, then among the lighthouse keepers have a high sense of solidarity, the joy and sorrow they will pass along. among them are like brothers themselves .. Because of the location of work place on the edge of the sea, the danger can threaten them at any time, for example, strong winds, big waves and bad weather and sudden tide comes ... this is of course a challenge for them

8.Mulai Erydrops
Along with technological advances, now everything is completely automated, from the engine to the use of GPS as a Navigation tool to make the work of the guards begin to get rid of, sooner or later, the stories of the joys and sorrows of the lighthouse keepers will be an obsolete story that can only be heard occasionally in vulnerable to uncertain times. In spite of it all, we must admit together, the lighthouse keeper is a "hero in the middle of the ocean".


-News Of A Former Lighthouse Keeper
His duties and functions are great. As a guard and direction of maritime traffic. But the government paid little attention to their welfare. The guard wardrobe of the lighthouse is very small, and most of them are honorary employees, for years not yet appointed civil servants. Suyanto (34) has now become an employee of Ambon City Government. To the Inspiration of the Nation, Anto his nickname tells his story as a lighthouse keeper. Together with his now-retired father from a transportation worker, he served as a honorarium to keep the lighthouse tower in Maluku Province.
Certainly a place that has ever been on guard, away from the hustle and bustle of human life. Being in the middle of a free ocean, alone or alone. "I once served on the outer islands on the border with Australia and East Timor. Also in West Seram, one of the islands is uninhabited and lonely, sometimes haunted, "said Anto. "Together with my father, we once lacked food and one of us had to reach the provincial city despite the ferocity of the waves and could be fatal. But how else, from running out of food and we will die of starvation, "he complained

Various afflictions as a lighthouse keeper, grief in the middle of the ocean, according to him, is not appreciated by the government with a balanced salary. A contractor laboratory lighthouse most paid maximum Rp 1 million per month. "My father is almost 20 years old as a lighthouse keeper with a status as an honorary worker. And a few years before retirement, then he was appointed as a civil servant in the sphere of sea transportation, "he said. Just imagine, Anto's father left his son and wife at home, three months at least then he came home, for 20 years is only rewarded with a small salary with the devotion and benefits of the tasks undertaken.

Eventually Anto was forced to leave his profession as a lighthouse keeper along with his father's retirement age. At the same time, there is an employee receipt in Ambon City Government. Anto apply and graduate. Now Anto serves as a civil servant of the Ambon City Government, and only two years ago has followed the preemption, his salary now has 100 percent, around Rp 2 million more.

Anto remembers, how his fate if he did not stop from the lighthouse keeper. How the fate of hundreds and even thousands of honorary guardian laborers is pervasive throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, with relatively small salaries, heavy duty, away from family, honorarium status. How the future of the guard children of the lighthouse, whether their fate equals the fate of Anto, or just like the fate of Anto's father, 20 years contracted as honorary laborer.

To all parties who empathize with the fate of the lighthouse keepers, especially to the Minister of Transportation or the Director General of Sea Transportation, or even directly to the President of Indonesia Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Suyanto asks immediate attention to the lighthouse keeper. Appreciate the sacrifice of the lighthouse keeper. Without them, it was ascertained that marine traffic chaos had occurred, and casualties were falling everywhere.

may the guardians of the Lighthouse always be given Rezeki and also salvation amiin 🙏

Follow me @sriwahyuni

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