YouTube Cracks Down on "Free-Speech" Abuse

in #life6 years ago (edited)

It seems YouTube has fired a whole lot of its ‘stars’. I have often wondered how long it would take before those spewing venom under the guise of free speech, would be held accountable for abuse.

Yes, I know, I’m stepping on the toes of people crying censorship; an overly-hyped word by many standards. I agree 100% that everyone should have the right to say orally or in written word whatever it is they want to say. I also believe wholeheartedly, that in the spirit of free speech, people should have the right to sue ‘free speakers’ for malicious and unsubstantiated accusations.

In recent years, particularly the political-campaign season of 2K16, I could only smh at the countless derogatory slurs, and plagiarized ‘reports’ which infiltrated the YouTube platform. Whether the accusations touted were true or not remains a mystery; as, the primary accused have feigned both deaf and mute in the line of fiery spears cast.

I don’t want to go down that Hell’s pit; but, I do admit it’s a bit baffling how one could remain oblivious to all the vile chatter. Perhaps, it’s because they knew it was set up to one day collapse, like a house of cards; flushing the most bold and brazen, and with them, hundreds of thousands of subs and huge payout drains.

Many of the loudest channels have been extinguished, causing many to lose their livelihoods; hitting them where it hurts the most, aka, wallet. There was no need to sue for libel/slander, just have a strategic date to shut’em down. Those with a lot of money have hired lawyers, and languish in wait for their channels to be restored. Somehow, I don’t think some are as sure this will happen as they pretend.

I’m reminded how foolish they were to literally spew profanity bombs towards the very platform that was buttering their bread. I often wondered why YouTube was so tolerant. Every day was spent flinging accusations, in many cases, with a goal to either derail a candidate, OR become famous as the ‘first’ person to break the case. On some levels, they succeeded in clouding the election; not by what they said, but more so by no one refuting the accusations.

I’m reminded how the current FLOTUS swiftly nipped some libelous/slanderous activity in the bud by doing what the law allows. She SUED. And, notably the media seems to be very careful of what they say about her or her young son.

But, back to the mega shutdown of popular YouTube channels. I don’t know the real reasons. Of course, those directly affected are screaming that it’s pure censorship. Personally, I think YouTube is cleaning house of all those libelous/slanderous videos.

Some ‘owners’ were smart. They privatized all of their videos with their 300K sub-channels and changed course, made a severe hardfork midstream, completely changing the foci of their channels. Let’s talk BTC, shall we? Or, here’s a great teacake recipe! (lol) I know that’s right!

Of course, many were slow, or overly arrogant to deny that the gig was up; and a new sheriff was in town by spewing, and I paraphrase: Strike? Who cares about a strike? Profane bomb, YouTube. Smh…The person who comes to mind on this one is trying to return home to FB, today.

What went unaddressed under the former POTUS, has been snuffed out under the current POTUS. Many are saying it’s the libs who’ve done this. Maybe. But, the fact remains, whoever is behind this upheaval, it’s refreshing to know that accountability is being restored to the free-speech equation.

Anyone who genuinely values free speech for the treasure that it is, knows that it is not really free. Nothing on this earth genuinely is. There’s a price tag for everything said and done. It’s called consequence.

No longer will the conspiracy, ‘make-this-stuff-up’-theorists, in far too many cases, just be allowed to create something for the numbers. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole, so back to the topic at hand.

I suspect YouTube shut down channels for several reasons. Payout prolly has something magnaminous to do with it. I mean some of these people have become millionaires behind this accidental, yet great entrepreneurial invention.

And, in case you haven’t noticed, YouTube has begun saturating its platform with ads; and those ads are for one purpose only: paying the bills. Of course, for a fee, you could opt out by paying the bill directly. The controversial YouTubers were costing their boss, aka YouTube, money; which as with most things business, paints the bottom line. Companies will not buy ads for content they don’t approve.

I suppose this leaves room for DTube and other platforms to grow; but, something tells me these players will simply rebrand under a new YouTube account and keep it moving. This is a temporary hiccup in their vlogging experience; but, as long as there’s a free-to-upload platform, with an opportunity to leave a money-maker link in the description box, aka Patreon, etc.. they are not going to hop on board a platform that charges them a hefty percentage to use.

Well, that’s it. It will be interesting to see how many of these channels will return. Some are under temporary suspension after receiving several warning flags, others permanently banned. Those with the biggest ‘lawyers’, thus pushback with threat to sue for free-speech violations, will have the greater chance of getting their channels back.

Something tells me that a lot of people old and new, are learning that YouTube has a brand new sheriff in town. Some say it's the libs; but, I genuinely believe YouTube may have just been red-pilled. (JMHO!)



I am a believer of Freedom, however, just like I posted on one of @adamkokesh's post on the subject. Accountability is the only means to actualize utmost Freedom.

Without accountability, there'll certainly be mass abuse of freedom. You don't need to make baseless commentary on political or non-political issues at the expense of other's rights and reputations.

A welcome development I'll say, from what was outlined as the genesis of YouTube's reaction.

Thanks @spiritualmatter for sharing!

at the expense of other's rights and reputations.

That's it! Imagine how many people have not gotten the job they were told they were the 'perfect' candidate for; because of a false report on FB, under the guise of 'I heard such and such" free speech.

A welcome development

For legal reasons, I'd say necessary for sure. There's a fine line between free speech and determined chaos to divide/destroy a nation.

Best regards.


Muchas Gracias Amigo!

The topic you picked to post on is a really tricky one. I mean the action by YouTube is welcome one specially with Russian trolls getting to influence people on both sides and divide the country like never before. Also there are those elements who like to get stardom by making use of the negativity doing rounds. I just hope YouTube does not exercise too much censorship. Peace.

I just hope YouTube does not exercise too much censorship.

I totally agree. It is definitely a balancing act. Thankfully, they have a resolution board in place; and, many who challenge a strike get their posts reinstated.

Let's face it, somewhere along the way, YouTube became unbridled. It was an "anything goes" platform, where 'unsubstantiated (the-truth-is-coming) entertainment/opinions' was being perp'd as fact.

Russian trolls getting to influence people

During the campaign, instead of trolls, I saw divisive reds and blues littering YT with a whole lot of 'info' on both sides. It became a case of the winner being the one with the least-tattered reputation in the court of public opinion.

Best regards.


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