Verse Of The Day - Romans 8:35 - Who shall separate us from the love of Christ


John 6:37

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

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Spencer Coffman

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Good verse shows that not everyday will be easy

Yes, we must remember that as followers of Christ we will go through trials of many kinds. It's not going to be easy but we can make it through with His help!

What can really separate us from the love of God? Total love for God should be the point here. ..I mean, who wouldn't love a man that gave up His life to die for us? God is bigger than anything that we think can separate us from Him. That's why He says "Seek ye, the kingdom of God and everything will be added unto to you" for He is capable and able to take care of us even when we pass through trials

Nothing can separate us from His love! That is the beautiful thing about it. Your comment is great! We all should love Jesus however, unfortunately, many people don't. At least not yet anyway.

Christian here. :)

This is one of my favorite verse. :)

I'm glad you like it! It is a great verse!

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