Piraten in Batavia - Europa Park News [ ENG / DE ]

in #deutsch5 years ago (edited)

New from the Pirates in Batavia

Neues von der Piraten in Batavia


Last Thursday 4.5.2019 there was a press conference in the Europa Park, on this day models were presented as the new "pirates in Batavia" look and also an animatronic booth with it.Letzten Donnerstag den 4.5.2019 gab es im Europa Park einen Presse versammlung, an diesen Tag wurde Modelle vorgestellt wie das neue " Piraten in Batavia" aussehen soll und auch eine Animatronic stande mit dabei.


This pirate or buccaneer "Van Robemond" accompanies the guests from one scene to the next scene. It consists of the latest technology what animatronics can give, but unfortunately not as good as the one in Disneyland (as this remains a mystery of how this works)Dieser Pirat beziehungsweise Freibeuter "Van Robemond" begleitet die Gäste von einer Scene zur nächsten scene. Er besteht aus der neuesten Technology was Animatronics hergeben können, aber leider nicht so gut wie die in Disneyland ( da dies ein geheimnis bleibt wie dies Funktionieren )


Would be glad about your comments and would be glad to an upvote. Thanks for your support.Würde mich über eure Kommentare freuen und würde mich auf einen Upvote freuen. Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung.

Quelle: Europa Park


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How are they not as good as Disneyland? Those are very cartoony and pretty campy. Maybe that's why they're better though because they aren't trying to be 100% realistic? Now I want to go to Disneyland and ride Pirates of the Caribbean 😆

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Yes pirates in Batavia is a copy of Disneyland. That can not be denied and in an old TV reportage Mr. Mack also says that the one in Disneyland was inprison

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