The Number One Step You Should Take Before You Start Solo Traveling

in #travel7 years ago


The Number One Step You Should Take Before You Start Solo Traveling ## Easing Your Traveling Fears

So you’ve decided it’s time to take that leap into solo traveling but the fear of traveling alone is still lingering and you want to know what are the steps you can take today to lessen that fear and to ensure not only your friends and family that your decision to travel alone is a sound one and you haven't just completely lost your mind but you also want to eliminate your own fears and the idea of taking on this great big world alone can be an overwhelming one but never fear I’ve given my number one tip to put into practice before you book that one way trip to never never land.


                                                                                                        Do Your Research

Pick a country or countries that has peeked your interest and do your research and look for all the answers to the most important questions

· What's the country like, what is the general atmosphere or environment, what should you expect to encounter in whatever
country you wish to visit

· What kind of budget should you have in mind when it comes to the country you would like to visit, how much is
accommodations, what's the general amount should you expect to spend on food, entertainment, and any famous tourist

· Are there any strict rules, regulations, policies you would need to follow, such as a dress could or any social, political or
religious taboos you should know about before visiting a country.

· When is it the best time to go, is it better to go during the high or low season, what will the weather be like during the desired
month of which you wish to travel.

· Is this country easy to travel through if there are different parts of the country you wish to see.

· What's the food like, will this country be able to accommodate your dietary needs, if you’re vegan, vegetarian or follow a
kosher diet, etc.

· Is the country your native to friendly with the country you wish to visit, will you have any issues at the border with the
passport you carry.

· Are there any safety issues you should be concern about. If your female is it a safe country to travel alone as a woman.

· In researching the country you wish to visit it’s a good idea to do exactly what you doing now, go on different blog post but
get the points of view from people who have actually been to the country you want to visit and even live in and again if you're
female it’s best to gain the advice from another female traveler, it's harder for a man to know exactly what it's like to travel
solo as a woman in certain countries.

· Go on Youtube and watch videos or vlogs about the country you wish to visit and I know it's easy to get lost in those beautiful
panoramic drone shots that travel vloggers love to take but try to get a more unfiltered perspective so you can really get a
more realistic feel of a country and not just through rose colored lenses.

· Read!!! There are tons of travel informational guidebooks out there that can help you plan your travel adventures, the most
popular being the Lonely Planet book series, my favorite and it's extremely helpful; they have a guide book on pretty much
any country you can imagine and they even have their "Travel on a ShoeString " budget series for those who aren't looking to
stay at the Ritz Carlton.

· Lonely Planet also has an awesome website and forum where like-minded fellow travelers post answers to some of the most
frequently asked questions about whatever country you're looking to visit. I visit the Lonely Planet website and forum quite
often because again it's important to get information from people who have actually lived it, so forums are another great way
to gain a good perspective on what to expect from certain countries and if it's safe to travel or not.

· Make sure the information that you're receiving is up to date, that is so incredibly important; some developing countries can
quickly change their policies, especially when it comes to immigration, I know for a fact that this is true for Thailand, since
I've been here they have changed certain rules about immigration and visa's like 4 or 5 times, so when your typing your
questions into google or whatever search engine that you use, just go ahead and add the current year to ensure the info your
receiving is relevant.

· It’s important to go onto other official websites, like an official embassy and immigration website to make sure you know the
rules and that you're getting all the proper visa details correct.

· It’s also important to follow the news to be updated about any conflicts in any country that might be happening, especially if
it's occurring during the months or year that you would like to go on your travel excursions, just for safety purposes But be
careful with that, in my opinion, mainstream news media outlets can be a bit fear-mongering; try more international news
channels like "Al Jazeera".

· One of the best ways to get an idea of what a country is truly like is to just talk to someone who has experience traveling
through and in the country you want to visit, because even though it's important to do your own research, however, you can
read from morning, noon and night and it will never give you the kind of advice or information that someone who actually
lived it can, which you will find out for yourself once you’ve finally start you own solo traveling journey because it’s never
exactly the same as everyone else's.

Once you’ve done all your research and confirmed to yourself and all the ones you love and loves you that the country that your traveling to is a safe one, you can finally book that ticket knowing that you'll be safe and secure but ultimately solo traveling is a lesson best learned in person, so the first step to your solo travel journey is to just book that ticket and go.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and if you think theirs someone that can benefit from this please share and if you enjoyed your read and want more please subscribe to my Youtube channel, if you're ready to get your very own travel adventures started please check out the links below and hope to see you again soon. Thank you

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If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.

- Albert Einstein

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