DAIRY GAME|29/05/2024|| Wonderful day to learn and enjoy with friends


Good day folks, my humble salutation and appreciation for your support so far on this platform so far. I have come again today to share my day thrilling experience with you all, join me as I run through all that happened today ranging from early in the morning to late in the afternoon.


So I woke up very early this morning at about 6am and it was very cold but I didn’t really care about the weather until I had to bath cold water. But before the cold water I did the usual house chore routine so my mum won’t table my case of being a lazy individual, I finished up and then had to dress up in a blue jean troulser and harsh coloured hoodie to leave as early as possible for school.
On getting to school by 7:15am I found out I was finally earlier than our lecturer today when I me up with my course mates at the entrance of the computer lab waiting for the lecturer who arrived few minutes after to open up the lab for lecture to commence.
Today’s lecture was mainly focussed on the use of QBASIC to analyse and solve problems relating to Algorithm, Flowchart and Pseudocode. I immediately realized that I hadn’t installed the required application package on my laptop so I rushed to turned on my mobile hotspot and connected to my system to run a quick installation so I could follow up with the class and understand what was being taught in class. Soon after at about two hours later the class came to a close where he gave us assignment to work on before the next class.



When I left home


Waiting for the lecturer


Learning QBASIC in class

After fun time and chat with my fellow colleges I began to feel a disturbance in my stomach as I remembered that I left so early in the morning without having breakfast, my friends and I soon went over to a restaurant where we mostly eat. Given how hungry I was at the moment, I successfully devoured a plate of delicious afang soup with three wraps of fufu (cassava swallow). After this satisfaction, I moved down to a place called common room beside the boys hostel where people normally wait when they come in to visit someone in the hostel. I went in there because I wanted to use the electricity to charge my laptop and powerbank as I also took the opportunity to try and figure out how to do my assignment which was given earlier in the morning class.



After eating in the restaurant


Trying to figure out my assignment


Finally Leaving school premises with @jozzie90

Shortly after when my devices were fully charged I found my way back to the house here I found time to write about how wonderful my day was in school. Hoped you all found this interesting to read, Thank you, Stay safe and God bless you.


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