Another globalist lie. The serbs were innocent!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #serbia7 years ago (edited)

John Pilger (winner of two pulitzers) writes:

"With the NATO bombing over, international teams descended upon Kosovo to exhume the "holocaust". The FBI failed to find a single mass grave and went home. The Spanish forensic team did the same, its leader angrily denouncing "a semantic pirouette by the war propaganda machines". A year later, Del Ponte's tribunal announced the final count of the dead in Kosovo: 2,788. This included combatants on both sides and Serbs and Roma murdered by the KLA. There was no genocide in Kosovo. The "holocaust" was a lie. The NATO attack had been fraudulent.

That was not all, says Del Ponte in her book: the KLA kidnapped hundreds of Serbs and transported them to Albania, where their kidneys and other body parts were removed; these were then sold for transplant in other countries. She also says there was sufficient evidence to prosecute the Kosovar Albanians for war crimes, but the investigation "was nipped in the bud" so that the tribunal's focus would be on "crimes committed by Serbia". She says the Hague judges were terrified of the Kosovar Albanians - the very people in whose name NATO had attacked Serbia."

There you have it. Carla Del Ponte was chief prosecutor at the war tribunal at the Hague and Milosevic was found to be innocent after his death.

The fraud finally ended with the establishing of the balkan version of Guantanamo in what is today known as Kosovo. If Israel is unfair to the palestinians, so is Kosovo to the serbs. Today, the area is a major breeding- and training ground for islamic fundamentalists and the globalists are just letting it happen all around Camp Bondsteel as it's called. IS-flags are showing up in more and more villages all over the area today, so it's not exactly a covert operation on the side of the caliphate.

The strategy is simple: you feed a dark and vicious lie to the population of the anglosphere to stir up their emotions and give them the opportunity to "angelize" themselves in their response. This allows the war criminals enough magnitude of public consent to then be able to access the war machine through corrupted state officials and hopelessly compromised mainstream- and state media littered with bread-and-butter presstitutes. We are simply mentally re-planted out of the way into a synthetically designed parallel reality by the supranational system complex dumping our common perception on the reality of an issue into a controlled, abstract container environment where we can all feel pure and righteous when the action eventually goes down with- or without prior UN (or congressional) approval. This way, we don't politically meddle where we're not wanted as we feel that we are doing some good in the world by interfering to stop the (fictitious) atrocities. This unbelievably insidious method provides the mental space in the herd needed by the oligarchy, it's dupes and bought-off demons to be able to waste our young men's lives and burn our taxpayer resources in their own private interest which is world domination in what will eventually be a one-world system under themselves. It's that simple.

The "Iraqi soldiers killing incubator babies" lie is yet another and perfect example of this methodology put to use. It's all about swaying public opinion in favour of an illegal war of aggression for entirely different reasons by false flagging us into it with invented atrocities so vile and shocking that we are willing to accept breaches of international law to "do the right thing and stop the evil". We are actually victims of emotional terrorism done to us from within our own ranks, aided and abetted by those we are supposed to be able to trust!

Naturally, Carla Del Ponte has been "asked" by a certain party to stop promoting her latest book...

Please resteem. People should know the truth!

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