Breathing room OWC - Day 3

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday my post was about sticking my head in the sand to save my sanity. Funny thing is, the universe is always trying to send you a message whether you want to receive it or not. I double checked my classes and lo and behold. My week off of school is next week?!! :: Panic ensues and I scramble to make a list of my readings that I'm a day and a half behind on:: It's not as bad as I thought, I'm working on poetry in two classes. Phew... But why did I have this grave misunderstanding that could have cost me my average? I look on the website and the physical school is out this week, online next week.

After reflecting on this a bit I think the message here for me is to stay on top of my planning and not to get lazy. I have a terrible memory and without spending time on planning I simply cannot handle all that I want to accomplish every day. On that same hand, I have to plan time to plan and I have to plan down time. It is unhealthy and unmaintainable to not schedule downtime, I have learned from experience. The hardest part is being present in the down time that is scheduled so that it is fully appreciated and valued. When you feel rejuvinated from family time in which you were fully present, not watching your phone or TV, it tends to last longer than if you only are partially experiencing your down time. I've also been reading The Concious Parent which aids returning to the state of mindfulness that I had pre-child.

These things all go hand in hand. Planning well so there is time for playand staying in the present moment and experiencing it fully so anxiety doesn't have room to fester.

Speaking of anxiety, I need to do some reading on Edgar Allen Poe as I'm two days behind!


girl with books.jpg


Happy to find another Pagan here on Steemit. I totally understand the losing track of time/when things are scheduled/thinking things were on different days. That's a huge issue for me! In the community here the joke is we run on "Pagan Time," but I do more than that ...I live on Recluse Druid Time. ;)
I hope you get some restful down time!

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