From death a life grows من الموت تنمو حياة

From death a life grows and get stronger, you look weak but there is a great power inside you just need to woke.
Break the walls that stand against your goals you can do it if you believing that you can.

من الموت تنمو حياة وتصبح أقوى، تبدو ضعيفا ولكن هنالك قوة عظيمة بداخلكان فقط بحاجة لإيقاظها.
اكسر الجدران التي تحول بينك وبين اهدافك. تستطيع فعلها اذا امنت بأنك تستطيع.

All the drawings, photographs, writings and thoughts on this blog are my original work if you like it and to support my artistic works UPVOTE,RESTEEM And FOLLOW these simple things will help me too much to build my own studio and my career.
You can donate also sharing is caring
Less for you but much for me


I like this photo, it lead a powerful messagge.

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