Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies VS Elites [Update] Part I

in #bitcoin6 years ago


The elite represent 2 percent of the total population of the planet, since ancient times they control the world. This title moves from person to person by the legacy.

Their story started with the gold and wheat trade, and developed to include most of the fields in our present time, except the area of Cryptocurrency.

Some people or a majority of people will say why elite do not invest in this area(Cryptocurrency)?
The answer is, elite favors monopoly and does not prefer investment means it wants all the profits return to them, That is why only 2 percent of the world's population represents the elite, while the remaining 98 percent are scapegoats serving the interests of these elites.

But the bitcoin especially and the Cryptocurrency on general changes this fact and gives the 98 percent people a chance to emergence and competition that is mean there's no monopoly again, everyone will benefit and that's why elite fights Bitcoin.

They said that they prevent it because it is of unknown source and will harm the fiat currencies (shit currencies that's what i called it) and the economy of the world. But the truth is that it will make them rivals, not monopolists 😉

And as i said to @v4vapid

Bitcoin is fighting on a difficult war because it opposes and is not in line with the plans of the elite. As we know, the elite always displace everything that does not serve their interests. But I think it's hard to remove the bitcoin because it's built on a strong foundation.

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Less for you but much for me



The rich and powerful definetely like monopolies. Bitcoin is not fairly distributed and it is more unequally distributed than global wealth. There are only about 17000 addresses with over 100 Bitcoin in them and many of those are owned by companies or one person could own multiple large wallets. Even if we said the large addresses are spread out amongst 10k individuals there are 7.2 billion people on the planet, that means that 0.0001389 percent of people have over 100 bitcoins.

About 700k wallets have more than 1 Bitcoin, so maybe that represents about 500k individuals which means about 0.007 percent of people on the planet have over 1 Bitcoin.

About 4 million addresses have over 0.01 Bitcoin in them. That isn't a lot of money. Basically most wallets that aren't backup or idle. 4mil/ 7.2bil is still 0.055 percent.

So let me get this straight, you are suggesting that 0.055 percent or 1 in About 2000 people having more than a few hundred bucks in Bitcoin is fair? You said the 2 percent are elite, in Bitcoin it's literally the 0.0002 percent.

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