in HeartChurch3 years ago


• The issue of marriage is a very sensitive matter because it borders in the destiny fulfilment if two different individuals whose coming together has a great impact in generations to come.

• The implications are far more reaching than saying "I DO".

A lot of christian singles are carried away by what they see and how their emotions lead them.

• Your emotions are real, but they are not always right.

• You cant just take a very important decision of your life on the basis of your emotions.

• Your emotions doesn't just function independently, it functions on the platform of the things that your mind have been thought or fed with most times, but in order to avoid story that touches the heart, learn to trust the truth of God's word.

• Based on the above, is there anything wrong with our emotions?
•Answer: No!!.. But our emotions must line up or pass the acid test of God's word so that we don't get frustrated at the long run.
(Judges 16:28)

• Marriage either brings out the best or worst in people.

• It is the perfect will of God for all christian singles not to be caught up in the web of trail and error or guess work when it comes to making a choice for a live partner.

• At the long run, the power to choose is left with you, but God will love to guide you if you so desire to do so, but He will NEVER force you against your will.
(Deuteronomy 30:19)

1.) By solely depending on their sight and emotions.
(Judges 14:2-3, Genesis 3:6)

2.) By trying to play the game with the rules of the unsaved, thereby swimming against the current of the spirit.
(Genesis 26:34-35)

• If you want to enter into a relationship, you must play it God's way and not your way.

3.) By ignoring sound Godly counsels intended to make them avoid marital mistakes.
(Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 15:22, Proverbs 20:18)

4.) By refusing to prepare spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually and psychologically for the weight or responsibilities that comes with marriage.
(Proverbs 24:27, Luke 14:28-30)

5.) By playing the ostrich when obvious danger signs are showing, but deliberately refusing to back out on the basis if what will people say.
(Proverbs 22:3, Proverbs 27:12)

6.) By looking at the marriage issue at the surface level forgetting that the spiritual foundation matters and are more weighter than a handsome face, beautiful shape, loaded bank account and a noble family name.
(Genesis 24:3)

1.) Depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and please, don't lower your standard.
(Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 37:5-7)

2.) Never neglect the place of genuine sincere prayers.
(Genesis 24:12-14)

3.) Pursue and listen to Godly counsel.

4.) Build up your capacity to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit
(Isaiah 30:21)

5.) Desire earnestly the spirit of discernment in order to uncover wolves in sheep clothing.
(Matthew 7:15)


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