The essence of life

in HeartChurch3 years ago


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In John 5:26, the Lord Jesus Christ declared that He had intrinsic life as individually as the Father. Take note of the progression of truth as He made His disciples to the understand who He really was. He firstly told them that He have life in Him, just as the God does; an inherent life.” and then, in John 14:6, He said He is the way, the truth, and life: no one come unto God, but by Him.” Take note of the unquestionable article, the LIFE! With those words, He meant, “He is Deity”; and He was very right.

While the disciples were still handygripes with that thought, Lord Jesus further took them to another step. He said, “if anyone has seen Him, he has seen God and doesn’t need to keep looking for God” (John 14:9). It's true! When you find Lord Jesus Christ, and take Him as your Lord, all you are looking for is over. He is the way, and He is still the destination. Think about those words that are blessed which Jesus says about Himself! Is is even explainable?

Jesus goes from saying, “As God has life in Himself, then He has given life to His son to have life in Himself,” to saying, “I am that life!” Remember His prayer words in John 17:2-3; He said, “As you have given him power all over the flesh, that he should give unending life to as many as you have given him. And this is life forever, so that they might know you as the only real God, and Jesus Christ that you hast sent.” If He is “the life” or “life forever,” then He is the very essence of life indeed. Glory to be to His Name forever!

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