Bangladesh is going to change

in #news6 years ago

Gobinathon Krishnamurti as a coach? What made the change work for the national team for two months?

The questions were thrown into two Bangladesh team players, four answers came. One, during this Malaysian coach match, the player changed more. A few minutes later, three-four together. So that you can play new players with full strength instead of fatigue. Two, very important in the video session. Three, Penalty Corner has improved. Four, the belief spread among all that 'we can.'

But interestingly, coach Gobinathan is not going to Asian Games with a specific goal Before going to Asia, it was said that Bangladesh would want to be sixth or seventh, but it is not. Now the 'can be as good as' theory. That means the goal is open. If it becomes the fifth, it will be the best result of Bangladesh in Asia. Assistant coach Ashikuzzaman said, 'We should play for fifth-sixth place.'

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