Unipolar vs Multipolar World : How much damage can the Globalists inflict before they cannot anymore

in #life7 years ago (edited)


To understand the significance of the present geopolitical situation and its impacts, one must first acknowledge that ISSUANCE of MONEY is the ULTIMATE POWER. Then one must be aware of who are the players that hold that power and WHAT/WHO they consider as a THREAT to this power .....plus a little bit of world history also helps.


What is manifesting in the global financial and political arenas is a battle between 2 influential ideological world rulers – the UNIPOLAR globalists vs the MULTIPOLAR leaders. We are witnessing history in the making for the coming century.

Globalists include elite families that had established our current central banking system over a hundred years ago. They are known as the Rothchild family – there is plenty of historical information available on the internet about their involvement in WW1 & WW2 for the goal of maintaining and growing their banking empire.

Through the decades with their ultimate power of money issuance, the globalists power grid grew to include new powerful families and members. They funded intelligent agencies, bought media sources and platforms, corporatized resources globally and established systematic influence over elected officials and parties.


The globalist ideology is not nationalistic, it does not hold any allegiance to any nation in the west nor east. Their main goal has always been to create a UNIPOLAR world (or one world government rule) based on corporate exploitation of economies to be owned by the 0.1% elite - a CORPORATOCRACY. Their agenda has played out in the last 100 years by covert operations to eliminate any country, leader, or movement that stands in their way of installing their banking system – which they use to siphon wealth and install puppet regimes.

Till WW2 they had used the power of British Empire to carve out most of the nations and borders we have today.

Amongst the down fall of the British empire and the economic ruins of post WW2 European nations – came the rise of the American empire. Through the power of the US dollar, the globalists were able to continue to finance their agenda of a one world corporatocracy ruled under their banking system. (Bush a globalist, once loving called this plan the "New World Order" NWO)


Now, like all “good” things that come to an end – the American empire is coming to an end. And there is a new empire rising in the East – China- the next economic power house.

This is a problem for the globalists because China is building a new financial paradigm with the One-Road-One-Belt (ORBOR) initiative. ORBOR is presently a multi-billion dollar infrastructure project that will allow nations globally to set-up fast trade routes inter-connecting all major trade ports in the world. China has already aligned with over 70 countries in the world, including Russia, its strongest partner (this alliance is called the BRICS nations). In preparation to support this new economic market, China and Russia for the last 10 years have been establishing an alternative financial network to circumvent the current globalists banking SWIFT system that is used to sanction and control countries. China has also just recently set in motion the dynamics for their Yuan currency to be used in international oil trade – which is in DIRECT THREAT to the US dollar and the globalist hegemony.


What seals the successful fate of this power shift to the EAST, is the collapsing financial system supporting the globalists power structure.

The fiat based monetary system established by the globalists has reached its end of life. If you know how the fiat monetary system works (and I strongly suggest you learn it – btw not taught in school), you will understand that like all Ponzi schemes, the present fiat monetary system cannot be sustained in an economic downturn. The globalists are racing against time to find a possible solution to reset the system such they can maintain their monetary control. However, the decades of systematic financial corruption is leading to hyperinflation of the world currencies and the confidence collapse of their system.


The present global debt to GDP ratio (300% debt over global GDP) and unfunded global financial liabilities of over 100 Trillion dollars (no one can say for certain how much more it can be…its f*cking scary) is of unprecedented historical proportions. All indicators are flashing red warnings of an imminent global banking crisis. What does this mean to us – our pensions, our savings can be wiped out by 50% in the best-case scenario.


China and Russia are aware of the inevitability and have taken the initiative to weather the storm as leaders by promoting a MULTI-POLAR world with the ORBOR initiative. This will lead to economic sustainability and innovation moving into the next century. Their multipolar world is not an imperialistic aim – but rather mutually beneficial business ventures for all sovereign nations. If they are successful, this will destroy the one world globalist agenda AND take away the globalists ultimate power and rule of the financial system that they have held onto for the last 100 years.


Before the multipolar world takes over, the globalists will put up a fight that could result in dire consequences for many in this world (as illustrated throughout history when dramatic powershifts occur)

Russia and China most probably expect desperate actions to be initiated by the globalists – as just proven recently: The puppet leadership of UK PM Theresa May, without any proof of motivation nor facts, has demanded alignment of Eurozone countries to cut ties with Russia on the pretense that Russia is in extreme violation of international law that threatens all countries. On the American front, a year long American investigation on Russian interference in US election has ironically uncovered only corruption in the US government (but of course you will not hear that on mainstream media). Trade tariffs are being put on China and the Trumps administration in the US has now been filled with influential Neo-ZioCon warmongers who will aggressively continue to promote war with Iran (and possibly North Korea), which will lead to WW3.


The global chess board has been set – A lot of Russia fearmongering (along with anti-Iran and anti-North Korean rhetoric), continued efforts to counter Russian achievements in stabilizing the middle east, and trade wars with China. At the same time nations in Asia, Africa, Middle East and some European countries continue to make trade deals with Russia and China. The OROB initiative continues to grow with many countries dropping the US dollar.


The American imperial influence is waning very quickly, and America and Europe are facing critical financial instability with no hope of economic growth within the present globalist agenda. Nations are desperate for economic prosperity and fed up with the geopolitical war and instability games that has been occurring the last 15 years, in particular.

It is well known now that Russia and China are formidable military powers. The weapons of the US and it allies (Great Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other European countries willing to align) could inflict devastating damage in the world but are NO match to the Chinese and Russian advanced weaponry.

It seems obvious that the only game plan the globalists have is to use whatever geopolitical influence they have remaining to stifle economic trade projects by China and Russia (and their allies) with the hope to reset the financial system to their advantage. If that does not work, they will justify WW3 through covert or overt means – time is not on their side. Regardless of an expected military victory by a Russia/China alliance, the globalists would rather bring down everyone and everything with them when they fall (history has shown great empires have fallen in the same manner– they go down with a big bang)


What will Russia and China’s move be in light of the globalists actions ?…….perhaps Russia and China do not need to make a move at this time.…perhaps they can let the economic & financial certainties play out to their advantage.

Russia and China seemed have remained very patient and have a longer planned global outlook. They know the globalists cannot stop the inevitable course of where the world is moving economically and financially.

Rather the question is - how much misery and destruction can the globalists inflict…before they cannot anymore.



Hey @sonah32, thanks for sharing! So many things out there to be happy for and about. Always keep staying positive! Thanks for a nice post! Cheers

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