Guide for a more spiritual life

in #life7 years ago

Hello everyone!

The material that I will share was taken from the book Minutes of Wisdom by author C. Torres Pastorino. It just seems beautiful and very useful to me.
I have the book for some years, I had started reading it twice before but I always lost a bit. For a few months I have been putting into practice what I will share, it has been very helpful for my personal growth. Thanks to this and other books, I have managed to make important changes in my life. I was full of prejudices and always carried things from the past, I have learned to let go, to forgive, to feel better about myself.
And I'm still learning!
I hope you will also find it useful.


1.- Do not criticize!
Try rather to collaborate with everyone, without criticism.
Criticism hurts, and nobody likes to be hurt.
The person who accustoms to criticize, very soon remains isolated from everyone.
If you see something wrong, speak with love and affection, trying to help. But above all, try to correct others with your example.

2.- Remember that we collect, infallibly, what we have sown.
If we are suffering, it is because we collect the bitter fruits of the mistakes we have sown in the past.
Stay alert in regard to the present moment.
Plant now seeds of optimism and love, to gather tomorrow fruits of joy and happiness.
Every one harvests, exactly what one sowed.

3.- Do not let the slander disturb you.
We are all subject to slander. But learn to overcome it, living in such a way that the slanderer is not right.
Nobody stops an attack with another attack. Nobody takes advantage of measuring himself with the slanderer.
Always forgive Live in such a way that the slanderer is never right.

4.- The councils help, there is no doubt ... But do not forget that the solution of our problems is within ourselves, in the silent voice of our conscience.
Do not be deceived: only you are responsible for the path you choose.
No one will be accountable for you.
Try, therefore, to live correctly, according to your conscience.

5.- Solve your problem.
You have a lot of time if you intend to reform your life, improve your actions, definitively end your weaknesses.
Start, then, from this moment. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today...
Certainly you can not solve everything from morning to night. But start now!
And if you fall again, do not be discouraged: start again as many times as necessary.

6.- On the way, keep moving forward.
If everyone abandons you, keep going.
If darkness grows around you, there is a reason for you to keep the little flame of your faith burning.
Do not let that light go out, so you do not stay in darkness.
Illuminate with your light the darkness that surrounds you.

7.- Each one is responsible for their actions.
Why do you have to be discouraged by what others do? What do you have to do with that?
Keep going, even if everyone is against you.
You have to win even if it gives you difficulties.
Continue without discouragement, because you are solely responsible for your actions.

8.- Our mind is modeled by the divine Mind that sustains the infinite universes. Our mental strength remains impregnated by the Divine Mind that is everywhere at the same time. Try to stay attached to that Infinite Force, and you will never be defeated. Trust: you have that power! You can overcome all the problems, if you want.
9.- Modify your way of thinking, so that your health is firm and stable. Stop complaining about your ailments. The ailments increase because of our continuous negative thoughts. Rejects diseases, trusting in their cure. You can heal yourself! You are improving every day more, in all aspects.
10.- Learn to rest your mind. The tired mind can not think well. Rest your mind doing mental hygiene exercises to conquer ever more energy and vigor. The tired brain disturbs the thought. Thought is the greatest creative force that exists on earth. Give your brain rest, to be able to think with success and with joy.


For a while I thought I should have the support of others, to solve my problems, I was always expecting more from people and I did not see what, honestly, they offered. I complained constantly and did not look for solutions. I did not think it was me who should demand more. Today I put into practice "one day at a time", I think of myself, I respect the life of others and I smile more. I feel lighter, I have been releasing loads of the past that did me wrong. I have tried to stay in the present. "In the presence everything is released"


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