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RE: The Global Warming Hoax

in #ecotrain6 years ago

the comments section is a interesting read but that is of course not a scientists work... but of those engaged in the discussions... so you need also to take the answer of the specialists into consideration...

While I completely agree with what you say about change to renewable energies (the nuclear option is NOT an option at all) I do believe that a carbon tax would enforce change to renewable energies. As long as we live in a market oriented system we need prices as information and steering point. Having NO price at all on carbon leeds you to the current situation.
I would be happy if you just would agree with me about the following points:
1.) There is something called greenhouse effect induced by greenhouse gases like co2, methane, water vapor, etc.. and change of radiation wave length when the sun radiation is reflected / absorbed and converted, that keeps the earth warmer than the moon
2.) This effect will be greater if you add more of those greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
3.) Man adds those greenhouse gases to the atmosphere by burning fossile fuels, releasing methane gas ( fracking, meat industry, fertilizer, etc.), land use change

Can we agree on that?
Details is a problem, yes. And I am also not happy that climate scientists are not further in their models and science. So that gives us uncertainty about the exact degree.. but I would say lets rather be too pessimistic instead of erring on the other side and kill our huge eco spacecraft.
And you have to know... everything IPCC and others publish is a base case... averaged and leveled by summing up the work of many single studies... so there is anyway the risk that we are on a much worse path already...


Agreeed! I cant say what % of warming it is, compared to the sun, or what negative feedbacks will offset it, but yes!!!

OK.. great. So at least atm earth it heating up.. hence renewable energy investments would make sense..
and as far as I understand you would also support renewable energy investments and that people in general should bring their carbon footprint down.. so we are in the same team...

and I understand that science should be questioned time and time again... and I can see why you are asking the questions you are asking, also I am convinced that all your concerns are adressed by science on that site...
If you write about the global warming hoax however, you get - I believe unintended - support by all kinds of people that use it for exactly the opposite... coal rollers and forrest clear cutters etc.. and that's where I see the main problem in all of this...

Careful with your extrapolations!
Those conclusions may be yours but they arnt mine! ;)

Sadly renewables have been sbverted by oil and the automotive imdustry who have bought and held patents since the 70s! Decentralized renewables is the only positive step forward for many reasons, absolutely!

Decentralized renewables is the only positive step forward for many reasons, absolutely!
I totally agree!

and thank you for that fruitful and kind discussion.

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