Beautiful Sunday. Let’s Go Fishing and Watch the Leaves Fall. 100% Solarguy Photo Journal

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago

Already December and the leaves are now just starting to fall and I’m loving it. Sadly, I can’t expect a snowy winter, we’ll just get cold weather without heat.

I took a bike ride along the river to check out what makes today a beautiful. Everyday offers something beautiful, you might just have to go looking for it. I woke up cold with my cats meowing for me to get out of bed and feed them something extra delicious, they always have food they just want more. Lol.

First thing I noticed were the leaves on the ground and the trees becoming barren. As I peddled my way towards the river I could smell the crisp air and feel season change for the first time this year. The only thing missing was the sunshine, though it was still a bit too warm for what I was wearing; a sweater and a windbreaker, jeans and my cap.

The river bank was flooded with fishermen, yes only men were fishing, because I didn’t see any women at it today. The men catch the fish and the women clean them, I guess this is still a traditional city. Haha.

(At first I thought these were floating leaves, than at closer inspection I learned they are just water plants.)

As I was riding along the path some butterflies or maybe moths, as I’ve been told started following me, so I stopped to see what was up. I managed to get a decent shot of one of them. They are still flying about seeking pollen from the flowers, which is telling to how the weather is holding up here.

It turned out to be a Beautiful Sunday, the flowers are still in bloom.

This is the true LiShui (丽水) which means Beautiful Water, it's also famous for its clean air. The real LiShui. Dare you to enjoy this place.


Do they need to purchase a fishing license over there or can anyone fish whenever they feel like it?

No licenses needed. In some ways Chiense people have more freedoms than in North America. lol

I had a feeling they could fish for free. Here in Canada the fish will go extinct if we don't pay the fish tax, eh.

I got my fishing license in Ontario good until next year, only used it a few times. I think it was $30 bucks or so I can't remember. Canada does stock its lakes though. There are many private lakes in China where you will have to pay a day fee to fish. This is not a tax or license, it's just a fee paid to the owner. However in the sea or or the public places it's a free for all.

I don't mind paying a bit if it's promoting sustainability, which is one of the main reasons we pay. You're given limits and if you didn't know any better, the first question one asks is "why". Then they learn about poachers and how bad they are, which is true. There were guys up in the northern Saskatchewan running a business selling fish out of trucks and it turns out they were catching way over their limits, using illegal methods as well. Deer would probably be extinct if we didn't have hunting season and limits. Look what they did to the bison.

I absolutely agree. I do appreciate Canada's conservation efforts. Canada is one of the last places on earth with a truly vast wilderness.

That's great that still warm enough for the butterfly and the flowers.
Wonder if there' s really good catch there.

Today is actually quite warm. T-Shirt weather and just a couple days ago I needed a jacket. Global warming at work. >?<

Ooops. came back to upvote. :-) T-shirt days are the best.

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