Verde, mi color favorito | [En] Green, my favorite color

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

F/5.6 | ISO/400 | EXP-1/100 seg | D.F - 90 mm | Camera - Canon EOS Rebel T2i

He leído en algunos sitios, que el verde es símbolo de vida, es claro que este concepto se basa en la naturaleza, cuando miramos la tierra casi todo lo que brota de ella lleva este color, quizás este sea el encanto.

Cuando paseo por los parques, no solo observo el cielo, también el suelo, ya es parte de la rutina de los paseos familiares y muchas veces encontramos lindas curiosidades a las que podemos inmortalizar en imágenes.

Hoy quiero compartir las fotografías de una planta, o un árbol o simplemente maleza, desconozco este tipo de planta, pero sin duda atrajo la lente de mi cámara, quizás sea el color? Sí, posiblemente... Espero sean de su agrado igual.

F/5 | ISO/250 | EXP-1/100 seg | D.F - 60 mm | Camera - Canon EOS Rebel T2i

F/5.6 | ISO/400 | EXP-1/100 seg | D.F - 170 mm | Camera - Canon EOS Rebel T2i

[En]I have read in some places, that green is a symbol of life, it is clear that this concept is based on nature, when we look at the earth almost everything that sprouts from it carries this color, perhaps this is the charm.

When I walk through the parks, not only I observe the sky, but also the ground, it is already part of the routine of the family walks and many times we find beautiful curiosities that we can immortalize in images.

Today I want to share the photographs of a plant, or a tree or just a weed, I don't know this kind of plant, but it certainly attracted the lens of my camera, maybe it's the color? Yes, possibly... I hope you like them anyway.

Taken with a Camera Canon EOS Rebel T2i © All Rights Reserved
All photographs are my property, I like to share them as well as my experiences.
Coimbra, Portugal.


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