Latest information on flash floods in North Aceh



Rainfall continues to increase, river overflows continue to increase so that it expands the area affected by flooding, several main road accesses have been paralyzed and cannot be passed anymore so that the evacuation process is hampered, even now it is still raining heavily.

It seems that the flood this time is more severe than the flood 9 months ago, according to information from several colleagues I contacted this afternoon, the overflow of water continues to increase, even the puddle of water has reached 3M.


Currently, some of the electricity has been turned off by the PLN to avoid things that are not cool, and some areas of the Telkom network have been cut off so we can't call to get more information.

This afternoon the aid continued to arrive, the SAR team had begun to enter the interior to evacuate, we pray that aid will continue to be brought in so that there are no casualties.


For now, logistical assistance is urgently needed by flood victims, because there is no more food stock that can be utilized.

Can't imagine what their fate will be tonight who are still trapped, while the rain is still pouring down, the electricity has been turned off, and the telephone network has been cut off, only God can take care of them all.


Hopefully the flood disaster will recede soon so that the victims can return to their respective homes, there have been so many losses experienced by flood victims.

All images are sourced from WhatsApp messages sent by the team



Curah hujan terus meningkat, luapan air sungai terus bertambah sehingga memperluas wilayah yang terkena dampak banjir, beberap akses jalan utama sudah lumpuh dan tidak bisa di lewati lagi sehingga proses evakuasi menjadi terkendala, bahkan hingga saat ini hujan masih turun deras.

Sepertinya banjir kali ini lebih parah dari banjir 9 bulan yang lalu, menurut dari informasi beberap rekan yang saya hubungi tadi siang, luapan air terus bertambah bahkan genangan air ada yang sudah mencapai 3M.


Saat ini sebagian arus listrik sudah dipadamkan oleh pihak PLN untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak dinginkan, dan beberapa daerah jaringan telkom terputus sehingga kita tidak bisa menelpon untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.

Sore tadi bantuan terus berdatangan, tim SAR sudah mulai memasuki wilayah pedalaman untuk melakukan evakuasi, kita berdoa agar bantuan terus didatangkan agar tidak ada korban jiwa.


Untuk saat ini bantuan logistik sangat dibutuhkan oleh para korban banjir, karena tidak ada lagi stok makanan yang dapat dimanfaatkan.

Tidak dapat membayangkan bagai mana nasib mereka malam ini yang masih terjebak, sementara hujan masih turun deras, listrik sudah dipadamkan, dan jaringan telpon sudah terputus, hanya Tuhan yang dapat menjaga mereka semua.


Semoga musibah banjir segera surut agar para korban dapat kembali kerumahnya masing-masing, sudah begitu banyak kerugian yang dialami oleh korban banjir.

Semua gambar bersumber dari pesan WhatsApp yang dikirim oleh tim

Note : 50% Rewards donated to charity and Volunteer accounts

Cc : @steemcurator01 @pennsif @worldsmile

 2 years ago 

My God, how unfortunate all this, let it stop raining, poor people, I have been reading posts about it here in the community. I hope the weather improves for everyone's well being, thanks for the information, take care of yourself and your family.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your best wishes friends, yes we hope everything will be fine and help will arrive soon.

 2 years ago 

hopefully the rain will stop and also hopefully the floods will recede quickly so that the work activities of the residents affected by the disaster can return to normal...

 2 years ago 

Bagai mana kondisi kantor bupati saat ini?

 2 years ago 

Aman untuk saat ini pak @sofian88

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