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RE: The Christine Blasey Ford Testimony Begins to Unravel

in #informationwar6 years ago

If they manage control of DC in November (and I think these hearings were the needed reminder to avoid that disaster) They will hound this good Man to the gates of hell itself; which is convenient because that is where they are, ultimately headed!

I want to thank you for this letter! I am so very sorry she really was abused! But I am proud of her that she has refused to be a victim, and has grabbed life with both hands! It is good to be reminded that there are strong Christian Women out there, that really Are Brave; and willing to yell that this "Emperor" being worshipped by her liberal handlers, has no clothes...or evidence! This in the face of certain MSM attacks...for telling the truth; and for speaking her mind! None of this is acceptable in this new liberal utopian tyrannical state!

They have thrown away the November elections with BOTH hands! They are on the way to becoming a minority party; only still marginally alive because of the journalistic prostitutes, in the OWNED MSM!



I have a feeling that after Nov. 6 the heads are going to roll!

I sure hope so! Without the Rule of Law; we will descend into anarchy and death! That is what these liberals miss; the Rule of Law is their best shield!


Anarchy has it's good points... like an open season on liberals!

Which is why they don't want us to have high capacity magazines, ROFLOL! Lock and load my friend....



My Baby! I'm a 1-shot, 1-kill guy!

NICE toy you have here!

300 Winchester Magnum here, with a 24 power scope. Last deer I shot was killed and cleaned with one round, ROFLOL!


I have an old 8mm Mauser with some 240 gr rounds. It'll stop a grizzly with one shot. I've been playing with the idea of selling off some of my arsenal and getting something outrageous like a Barrett or maybe one of these...


This is what it shoots...


That's a 308 on the bottom

NEVER sell a gun, ROFLOL! That grey round is a little small isn't it? :)

I have a machine shop, so I got a set of drawings for a 50 BMG bolt action. Now I am accumulating the steel I need. Should get fun!

The 8mm Mauser is a good rifle (Both K98 and the Turk) and I love them Both!

The 300 Win Mag pushes 230 grain about 2800 FPS, so bear hunting is a real option!


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